Things to do

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*A long chapter for youu:
At The Morning
Violetta's POV:
Today I woke up before Leon and I decided to make breakfast. I made him bread with chocolate,I know he loves it.
Then I woke him up:
Me: Leon wake up
Leon: Hey my love
Me: I love when you call me "my love"
Leon: I know :D
Me: Today I have 10 things to do!
Leon: And they are?
Me: 1) Go to the post office and send my dad a letter, 2) Go to my house to get some stuff,3) Go to the park to write a song for a audition for a TV show named "Friends",4) Go to the supermarket to buy dinner,5) Go for some shopping,6) Go to my mother's grave,7) Meet my aunt,8) Go back home to leave all my stuff and take a shower,9) Cook some stuffs aaand 10) Have some time with my love <3
Leon: Oookkay!! 3 questions: 1- Who is my love? 2-Can I come with you everywhere 3-Can you kiss me? :D
Me: 1- You dummy!! 2-Ofcourse 3-Ummm no,there is no time for kisses!! Get up and get ready!!!
Leon: But
Me: No but's!!!
Leon: Okay..
Me: Love you
*I send him a flowing kiss.
~After Leon Got Ready:
Me: Okay,1) Send a letter to my dad! Let's go :)
Leon: Okay
~After 5 mins walking:
Leon: I'm tired!
Me: Already?!
Leon: Yes,already!!
Me: But we didn't even walk 10 minutes!!
*I mumble to myself: Such a baby!
~At The Post Office:
Leon: Finally!
Me: Oh shut up :D
*I Wrote a letter:

" Dad,I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you.I tried to call you but i heard a voicemail.I love my new family hehe. I'm sorry if you are going to be mad but I'm together with had to know..I love you! <3 "

I send it,I hope he gets the message:
Leon: Now?
Me: 2) Go to my house to take some stuffs:)
Leon: Let's go
~At My House:
I took my laptop,most of my clothes,My tablet and my makeup:
Leon: Okay next? :D
Me: I'm going in the park to write a song :)
Leon: Ookay
~ 1 hour later:
Me: Done
Leon: Wow you are fast
Me: Yep,the song is called Right Now
Leon: Its sounds cool
Me: Maybe ..idk
Leon: What's next?
Me: Supermarket
Leon: C'mon:)
~At The Supermarket:
Me: .. And this,and this,Oooh absolutely this!
Leon: Done yet? You bought the whole supermarket
Me: Im hungry,problem?
Leon: No but you just eat so much
Me: And?
Leon: Maybe you are ..pregnant
Me: Oh I don't wanna hear you! That's not possible
Leon: As you say
Me: Let's go
Leon: Number 5?
Me: Shopping!!! ^.^
Leon: Oh no..
~At The Mall:
Me: Those shoes are amazing,oh look at that jacket,oh man what a shirt :O
Leon: Hurry up
Me: Yea yea
Leon: How much money do you have?
Me: 100 dollars
Leon: From?
Me: My dad?!!
*I bought soo many stuffs,then we went to number 6:My mother's grave:
Me: Please go sit somewhere I wanna be alone for a sec
Leon: No problem
Me: *talking to my mom*:
" Mom,I miss you so much.My life is awesome but I miss my dad.Im so happy I met Leon,because he is the love of my live...I don't have so much time,but I'll come back soon..I love you"
Me: Leon let's go
Leon: Where?
Me: 7) "Meet my aunt"
Leon: Oh yeah let's go
~At A Cafe:
Leon: Where is she?
Me: Wait,don't rush
??: I'm so sorry I'm late
Me: It's okay :)
??: I'm so glad I meet you
Me: Me too,what's your name?
??: Angie :)
Me: What a wonderful name
Angie: And who is this? *pointing at Leon*
Me: Oh my boyfriend,Leon :)
Angie: Nice to meet you
Leon: Nice to meet you too
*After an hour we left:
Me: Ookay number 8) "Going back home blah blah shower ..
Leon: Okay let's go :D
~At Home:
I put all the stuffs,take a shower,put new clothes and we started making the dinner(Spagetti).After we made it,we finally sat on the couch. I took my laptop and Leon took my tablet:
Leon: Why have you been chatting with Diego again?
Me: Oh I explained him why we can't be together with him
Leon: And why?
Me: Because I'm already inlove
Leon: Ooh in who?
Me: The perfect boyfriend ever,named Leon
*We kissed*..

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