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*2 years later:
Violetta's POV:
*Leon is on knees..oh my god:
Leon: Violetta Perfect Castillo,do you wanna marry me?
Me: YES!! *almost crying*
Leon: Yay! :D
*Dad comes in:
Herman: Why are you screaming Vilu,everything okay?
Me: Better than okay dad!! Leon proposed mee ^.^
Leon: Yep
Herman: L-Leon P-proposed you?..
Me: Yes dad
Herman: I have to sit down,I don't feel good
Leon: Here sit on the bed
Herman: So that means you too will move?
Me: Y-yes...
Herman: Okay I'll try to stay calm
Me: Thanks dad
Leon: Thank you Mr.Herman
Herman: Please call me just Herman :)
Leon: :)
Herman: Okay I'll get going
*I took Leon's hands:
Me: I can't believe we are getting married
Leon: Me too I'm so happy
Me: I love you
Leon: I love you too
*We kissed
*Then I told all of my friends and Leon told his friends,I still can't believe! <33

~Guys I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'll be ending this book at chapter 30..Thanks for all the votes and views :*

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