077. "if you want, you can call somebody else"

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21:12 ─❁────────── 21:79

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Just 'cause I'm polite

I will always have to fight to get into rooms


          "LOOK, ROMILDA VANE IS DEFFINITELY planning something!"

The first day of school ended the moment dinner was over. Students returned to their common rooms; the Gryffindor lot idle around in Gryffindor Tower, surrounded by those they call friends. Lucia and Ginny had just changed from their school attire and was now heading down, but Ginny was going on a tangent.

"Where did you assume this?" said Lucia ponderingly, fingers traced trailingly along the railing of the stairs.

"I-I... Well, is that really important?!" Ginny exclaimed in a defensive manner.

"Of course," An empty look crossed Lucia's face, "I don't want you to accuse people wrongly..." She turned her gaze away from Ginny and trailed toward the girl she saw in the train, she was younger than her and possessed large, dark eyes, curly black hair, and a prominent chin.

Lucia inwardly clicked her tongue, feeling a sense of vexation from within her. However, she repressed the dangerous irritation and turned her gaze back to Ginny.

"She stopped by our compartment yesterday, you know?"

Ginny was gobsmacked. "Really?! What happened?!"

"Nothing really," Lucia shrugged her shoulders and continuing down the steps. "She merely wanted Harry's attention unfortunately and indirectly called Luna, Neville, and I losers. Nothing out of the ordinary,"

"The nerve!" exclaimed Ginny. "I can't believe her. Why I oughta —"

"Save it for someone worthier, will you?" said Lucia.

"But —" Ginny stopped herself at once; she almost unintentionally said that Romilda Vane was worthy of her displeasure, which she did not like.

"What are you going to do about her then?" she asked, curious as they looked at Romilda Vane. Ginny wondered ponderingly; would Lucia even do anything?

Then, a belligerent expression crossed her face, causing Ginny to flinch slightly, before she returned to the soft smile that was there before. It oddly reminded the redhead of back when a few years ago... to think she would see that expression again was simply haunting.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now