Chapter 4

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Swallowing hard, I tear my eyes from my parents to meet his gaze. "H-how long until I h-have to decide?" He looks down at his expensive watch on his arm.

"Five seconds."

My mouth falls open in shock as my head goes blank. What should I do? When the five seconds have passed he reaches behind his back to pull out a gun. My mother whimpers from her seat. Quickly I reach out my hands to grab onto his arms. "I'll go! Please don't hurt them." I beg him. A smile stretches along his lips.

"That is a good decision." He nods his head to the doorway leading to our rooms and the front door and the men move in unison towards them. Then he grabs my arm and leads me to the back door. The man that had his hand on me in the living room is following behind us. "Put on your shoes." I do as I'm told. When I reach for my jacket he grabs me and drags me towards the front door. Okay. So no jacket? At the door one of the men stands with an umbrella ready to lead us out to the car.

"Wait. I have to say goodbye to my parents." When he doesn't stop to allow me this I grab the doorpost. "Please. Just a hug and goodbye." He gives me an irritated glare but then he nods and turns towards the living room. He lets go of my arm as we enter and I throw myself in the arms of my parents.

"We are so sorry, Marri. So sorry. We never planned for this to happen. We love you." My parents keep apologizing and hold me tight in embrace. I squeeze them back with all my might but too soon his strong hand grabs me and pulls me away from them. "We love you!"

I don't have time to ask them what this is about or how they have such a large debt to a man like Mr. Falaguerra. "I love you!" I cry out to them. My tears are flowing freely down my cheeks as we make it out to the most posh of the cars. A man opens the back door and Mr. Falaguerra motions for me to get in. He then slides in after me. The driver pulls away from the curb and soon we are on our way.

I sit as far away from Mr. Falaguerra as the seat allows with my arms wrapped around myself. "Your phone." Mr. Falaguerra says and holds out his hand towards me. I give it to him without any resistance and he puts it in his pocket. He then picks up a laptop and starts to work on that, ignoring my presence completely.

About twenty minutes into the ride my tears had stopped and I worked up my courage to speak to him. "Where are we going?"

"To your new home." Is all he says as he keeps tapping away on his computer. The car falls silent again.

"Where is that?" I ask when I see that he's not planning on giving me more information.

"You do not need to know that."

"What are you going to do with me?" My voice breaks as new tears threaten to fall. He doesn't say anything, just keeps tapping away on his laptop. I bite my lip as the tears spill over once again.

After several minutes he speaks again. "You are my property. I will do with you as I please. I have paid a large amount for you." I whimper at his statement and pull my feet up, wrap my arms around my knees and shrink myself into a little ball. "No shoes on the seat." He says without taking his eyes from the screen and I do as told immediately.

After traveling for another two hours we finally came to a stop. Mr. Falaguerra puts away his laptop as the driver gets out and comes around to open the door. I figure that it would be to my advantage to be obedient so I follow him out of the car. The house that stands in front of us is more like a mansion or castle, with its gray stone facade and white pillars framing the double front doors. It is a two story building, but considering how high the building is there has to be really high ceilings. I don't have too much time to take in the outside of the building as Mr. Falaguerra swiftly makes his way up the stairs and through the open doors.

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