Chapter 5

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I jerk awake as a shrill sound breaks through my sleep. Sitting up I glare at the phone on the nightstand and lift the receiver. I let it ring two times more before I answer. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Miss Mason. The time is now six. Breakfast will be served at seven sharp. Do not be late. Mr. Falaguerra does not approve of tardiness." The voice of Mrs. Costas says to me from the other side of the receiver. Her voice is warm but at the same time stern as if she was speaking to a grandchild or something.

"Okay." Is all I say and hang up the phone. I sit for a short time on the bed and take in this magnificent room once again. I take a shaky breath to calm myself before I start to cry again, before I get out of bed and ready myself to attend breakfast. I put on the dress I found in the closet the night before. The dress is blue with three quarter sleeves and a loose skirt that reaches below my knees. It is a little bit loose around the bodice but it looks nice anyways.

At ten minutes to seven there is a knock on the door. I slowly open up a crack and look out. I recognise the heavily muscled man standing outside. It is the man that put his hand on my shoulder yesterday. His eyes turn to me when I open. He is a few years older than me, with brown eyes and light brown hair.

"Good morning, Miss Mason. I am Luca, your bodyguard. I am here to escort you to breakfast." His voice is low and a bit raspy but there is a warm and kind tone to it. I nod and open the door to leave. I follow behind him to the dining hall. He gestures for me to sit in a chair next to the head of the table and then proceeds to sit next to me.

Soon the door opens and Mr. Falaguerra enters the room with three other men following behind him. Luca stands as he enters but I remain seated. Mr Falaguerra sits at the head and the three men that were with him sit opposite of me.

"Good morning, Marissa. I hope you had a good night's sleep?" He asks me as if this is an ordinary family breakfast. I only stare at him in response. At my lack of reply the smile on his lips falls and I see anger flare in his eyes. "When I ask you a question I expect an answer." His voice is cold and sharp as he reprimands me and I turn my eyes downward.

"Yes." I murmur as an answer. The door to the kitchen opens and five people come through carrying trays filled with food. They serve our breakfast, starting with Mr. Falaguerra and then me. The breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, pancakes, bread with cheese and ham, a large plate stands in the middle of the table filled with fruits and vegetables.

The men around the table chat about things they have done and some plans for the future. I listen but keep my eyes plastered to my plate even when I feel Mr. Falaguerra's eyes on me. When Mr. Falaguerra is done, he rises and says. "When you are done I want you in my office." Then he leaves the room together with the three men that he came with. My eyes follow him.

"Are you done eating?" Luca asks me after a while and I nod. I wasn't able to eat that much so my plate is still almost full. "Come on then. Mr. Falaguerra does not like to be kept waiting." Luca says as he stands. I follow behind him to the office on the upper floor. Luca knocks and soon Mr. Falaguerra calls for me to enter. Luca stays outside and closes the door behind me. We are alone in his office. His eyes are on me as I enter and stand a few feet into the room.

The room is large with a massive desk sitting in front of the windows. There are three armchairs in front of the desk and to the side there is a lounge area with two large leather couches, a coffee table and three armchairs. There is a door to the left that probably leads to a bathroom and the rest of the wall is clad with shelves of books and expensive looking artifacts.

"Sit." He gestures towards the chair in the middle and I do as told. He leans back and looks at me with an intense gaze. I can't hold his gaze and look down on my hands in my lap. "Do you know who I am?"

I lift my gaze to look at him. "I know that you own a lot of restaurants and casinos. I might have heard some rumors." Even if I am a business major we never looked closer on the type of businesses Mr. Falaguerra has. And other than my studies I didn't think too much about all the other rumors that circulated about the Falaguerra family. I had other things to think about like my studies and my lack of lovelife. Things a normal college student should have to worry about. A smug smile plays on his lips.

"Those rumors that you've heard are most likely true. I am the Italian mafia here in Chicago." Ice cold fear flows through my veins at his words. Mafia! Why were my parents tangled with the mafia? He must see the question in my eyes because he answers before I ask.

"Your parents like to gamble and for that they need money. A Lot of money. And I was kind enough to lend it to them as long as they played in my casinos. They knew of the consequences of not being able to repay." His smile turns evil as he looks at me. "Organs sell for a lot of money on the black market." A whimper escapes from me and I shrink back in the chair. "But of course. A beautiful young woman is even more valuable. Also a fact they already knew."

Tears escape my eyes and I bite my lip to try and contain the sobs that fight to get out. Did mom and dad know that there was a possibility that Mr. Falaguerra would want to take me? Standing up from his chair and he rounds the desk to stand in front of me. He leans on the desk and crosses his legs at the ankles. I don't dare to look up at him and instead look down at his shiny shoes. He leans towards me and gently grabs my chin to tip my head up.

"I could sell your virginity to the highest bidder and then keep you on as a whore." A fearful whimper leaves my mouth. "Or you could agree to be my wife. Of course I would rather you choose the latter option. It is a shame to ruin a beauty like you." The shock of his words stops my tears, my breath and my heart. His wife? He wants me to be his wife? Why?

"W-why?" I'm frozen in my seat, staring up at him with wide confused eyes.

"I still remember the first time I saw you. So young. So beautiful. And then the first time I officially met you. Laughing with your parents while you celebrated your eighteenth birthday." My eyes widen even more as I remember that evening. The man that came up to us. The man that looked at me like he wanted to devour me. A shiver runs down my spine as I connect the dots. That man is this man. The mafia. "I have kept my eyes on you all this time. Making sure that you were safe. Making sure that you stayed pure." I gasp and jerk my chin from his grip to cover my mouth.

"A-all my boyfriends.." I stammer out. I can't even say the whole sentence.

"Yes. I took care of all of them. Made sure that they left what was mine alone." His eyes flare with a sudden anger and possessiveness. "They never had the right to touch you. You are mine." My whole body is shaking with fear. He is crazy. He is obsessed. "So I made them go away." I close my eyes as tears run down my cheeks. "Oh. You don't have to worry. I didn't kill them. I only persuaded them to do the right thing." He gently strokes my cheek with his knuckles but I turn my face away from his touch.

He stands and leans down over me and forcefully turns my face back to him. He is so close that our noses touch. "You do not turn away from me. Do you understand?" His eyes are burning with anger and his voice is cold and sharp. I quickly nod my compliance. "That's a good little angel." He strokes my cheek lovingly.

He goes from hard to soft faster than the speed of light. "There, there. No more crying." He drags me up from the chair and leads me over to the couch. He sinks down and then pulls me down onto his lap. He holds me close to his chest as he strokes my hair, my arm, my hip and my thighs. "If you behave everything will be just fine."

My whole body shakes as I cry in his arms. Not that I want to be in his arms but his hold doesn't offer any leniency. I am completely drained by my emotions and even if it's only been about two hours since I woke up I cry myself asleep in his arms.

It seems like Mr. Falaguerra is a bit obsessed with Marissa.

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