Chapter Four

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Although it was way after 5am Wei Ying and Lan Zhan where both still sitting in bed together. He was refusing to let her go in fear of losing her again. Lan Qiren was happy the change in his nephew from not taking an interest in anyone before. Eventually they all had to leave with the rest of the disciples to go back to Cloud Recesses. Lan Qiren was holding Wei Ying and his nephews went with senior disciples as they were riding their swords back as it was quicker than walking. Once they arrived back at the gate for Cloud Recesses Lan Zhan ran over to his uncle who was holding a now fast asleep Wei Ying in his arms.

"Uncle is she okay?" He questioned he was very worried about her health she was alone in the woods for almost 48 hours without food or water. Lan Zhan knew that it was not healthy for anyone let alone a child. As to not stress out his youngest nephew anymore he didn't say anything about her health.

"She is fine A-Zhan, she is just resting. We will put her in her bed and then when she wakes up, we can take her to the healer if she needs it." Lan Qiren started walking towards the Jingshi with Lan Zhan holding his hand and carrying Wei Ying on his other arm. Once they were at the Jingshi Lan Qiren put Wei Ying to bed. "A-Zhan can you look after her please. When she wakes up take her to the infirmary and come and get me as well." Lan Zhan gave his uncle a simple nod wanting to go back to looking after Wei Ying and making sure that she is okay. With everything settled Lan Qiren walked back out confident in Lan Zhan's ability to look after her.

After a couple of hours, she had woken up and walked to the infirmary with Lan Zhan's help. After he dropped her off, he walked to the Hanshi to talk to his uncle and brother as well as inform them about Wei Ying waking up.

From inside the Hanshi there were 3 little knocks coming from the door before it was opened, "uncle, Wei Ying is awake and currently being checked over by the doctors." Lan Qiren and Lan Huan stood up to follow Lan Zhan out of the room to the infirmary. Once they got there, they were informed that she had a few small cuts and bruises, nothing to serious, but they had to make sure that they didn't become infected. Now that she was awake and alert, Lan Qiren could have a proper conversation with her.

"A-Zhan and A-Huan, can you please go and wait for me and A-Ying in the Jingshi. I need to talk to her quickly." Both boys nodded and walked away. "A-Ying I know that this is going all very fast, but I just want you to know that to keep you safe and to keep you in Gusu we may have to have you adopted by a family here. Of course, if you want to, I will adopt you, but I leave that option up to you." Lan Qiren said, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"I'm, I'm not sure uncle." She whispered back. "I would prefer to stay with you, Lan Zhan and Lan Huan more than anything." She griped onto his torso hugging close to him. "Am I allowed to think about it for a little?"

"Of course, you are, I will give you as much time as you need to make your decision, just don't forget to come and tell me when you have made up your mind." Lan Qiren gave her a little head pat before picking her up and walking out of the infirmary. They left to go to the Jingshi and meet back with Lan Zhan and Lan Huan. Still unsure of the choice that the little girl was going to make he chose not to inform his nephews of the decision that he had given to a-Ying.


Wei Ying had been thinking about the proposition for 3 days going back and forth between being adopted by Lan Qiren and being adopted by another family in Cloud Recesses. Wei Ying slowly walked up to where Lan Qiren was sitting at his desk in the Lanshi, all the classes had finished for the day, and he was marking some of the tests that the disciples had done that day. "A-Ying what are you doing here?" Lan Qiren asked once she had gotten up to the desk, sitting down next to him. 

"I made up my mind," she started, the words catching in her throat. "I- I want you to adopt me!" She blurted out almost yelling. 

"I would love to adopt you; we will have to inform the elders to ensure that we have all of the formalities completed." Lan Qiren started.

"Uncle, am I allowed to call you A-Die now?" She asked quietly under her breath.

You are. A-Ying do you wish to change your last name from Wei to Lan? Or do you with to stay Wei Ying?" The five-year-old looked up at her father.

"Lan Ying! I want to be Lan Ying!" The excitement was pouring out of her voice as she spoke.

"Well, that can surely be arranged then." Lan Qiren was ecstatic, he knew that his best friend would be happy that her daughter was being adopted into a family that will care for her. It will also be easier for Lan Zhan and Lan Ying's future marriage. With them growing up together it will make them close and make sure that there won't be any complications in the future because they don't know each other enough.

Lan Ying - Gusu's Third Jade {permanent hiatus, no longer being updated}Where stories live. Discover now