Chapter One (updated)

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Small snowflakes fell gradually, forming a serene haze over cloud recesses. Given that there was snow, it was now mid-December, which meant colder temperatures. And therefore, the wind possessed a chill to it. Through the haze of the soft snowfall, a mixture of black and red winter robes could be seen flowing carelessly in the wind.

Cangse Sanren carefully wandered up the snow-covered steps towards the main entrance of cloud recesses, her one-year-old daughter bundled up in many layers, held tightly to her side. The two of them came all the way over from lotus pier to visit Lan Qiren, Madam Lan, and her two sons , Lan Zhan, and Lan Huan.

The two older women had been friends since childhood, growing up together in the Lan clan. Cangse came up to cloud recesses to introduce her daughter to Madam Lan and her sons for the first time. Wei Ying had been to young to travel before and now that she was one, they decided it was best to introduce the kids to each other.

The view of Cloud Recesses was beautiful year-round but during the winter it was completely breath taking, the whole trek up the mountain was a sight to behold. Even on the outer ring of Gusu was a nice view to outsiders.

Lan Qiren met the mother daughter duo at the gate leading them in silence towards the Gentian House. When they had arrived, the three of them were almost immediately ushered in by Madam Lan and led to the table in the centre of the room, Lan Zhan and Lan Huan sitting at the table patiently with a cup of tea in front of them.

"A-Ying, wake up. Were here." Cangse whispered to her daughter as they were walking towards the table. She let out a soft yawn as she woke up, blinking slowly to be able to adjust to her surroundings better. The adults all sat at the table, Cangse placing her daughter in front her lap once she was comfortable. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Cangse started, trying to break the silence.

"Indeed, I was unaware that you had a daughter." Lan Qiren replied. "What did you and Wèi Changze name her?"

"A-Ying." She responded, a soft smile making its way across her face. "Did Madam Lan inform you about the second reason that we requested that you join us?" Wèi Ying, oblivious to the world started playing with the hems of her mothers robes biting and pulling at her sleeves.

"Ahh, I forgot to mention that. I'm sorry about that." She responded, bowing her head slightly before continuing, "Cangse and I have been writing to each other recently about the possibility of a betrothal between A-Ying and A-Zhan. They are both of similar age and with the correct cultivation training and education, the two of them would be great assets to the sect." Madam Lan looked over to Cangse Sanren quickly before looking back to Lan Qiren.

"Before I accept the betrothal, I want to ensure that the two of them will actually get along in the future and that my nephew will be happy." Looking back over at his nephews, Lan Qiren noticed that they were both fast asleep. Looking towards Cangse Sanren, he noticed that Wèi Ying was also fast asleep. "Why don't we put the children to bed. They are already fast asleep. We can continue this conversation; the floor is not very comfortable for them to sleep on."

Each of the adults picked up one of them and took them over to the small bed against the wall. The three adults then walked back over to the table and took their seats. "I have an idea about how A-Ying and Lan Zhan are able to get to know each other." She started, before taking a sip of her tea. "I can bring A-Ying to Gusu every month, and if it is okay, she can stay for a week or so. It would make sure that the two of them are at the same level for academics and cultivation if they learn together, and that they know each other well enough to actually get along." Both madam Lan and Lan Qiren gave a quick nod in agreement with the idea.

"I believe that that is a great idea." Lan Qiren stated before taking another sip from his tea. "I can arrange for Wei Ying to stay with A-Zhan and A-Huan while she is staying with us."

"Very well then, I believe that we will be seeing more of little A-Ying here for the coming months." Madam Lan exclaimed cheerfully looking over the children fast asleep on the bed.

Time Skip – Three years

Once again, Cangse Sanren carefully wandered up the snow-covered steps towards the main entrance of cloud recesses. However, this time Lan Qiren, Madam Lan and herself were finalising the betrothal of Lan Zhan and Wèi Ying, along with announcing it to the sect elders. Her daughter now walking by her side up the stairs, her small white and blue winter robes flowing in the slight wind.

Over the two years, Wèi Ying had visited Gusu every month for a week to a week and a half, learning the sec rules and learning the basics to cultivation with Lan Zhan. In turn Lan Zhan warmed up to her quite a bit, causing Lan Qiren to be very supportive of the idea of the betrothal. He had seen a huge positive impact that Wèi Ying had on Lan Zhan.

As the two of them had just about reached the top and got to the gate, they were greeted by Lan Qiren and Lan Zhan. She quickly ran into his arms and swarmed him in a hug. "A-Zhan!" She called out. Only getting an almost silent 'Mn' as a response.

"Hello Qiren, Hello A-Zhan. How have you two been?" Cangse Sanren called out once she had caught up to her daughter.

"We have both been well, haven't we A-Zhan." Lan Qiren asked, once again only receiving a simple 'Mn' as a response. "Now how about we all go inside to the library, so we are able to talk out of the weather." Hearing that the were going to move, Wèi Ying detached herself from Lan Zhan and followed the adults hand in hand with Lan Zhan. Once they had arrived at the library, Lan Zhan and Wèi Ying ran off to start their studies at one of the tables leaving Lan Qiren and Cangse Sanren to talk.

"Cangse, I've called a meeting with the elders for tomorrow to inform them about the betrothal. A-Zhan and A-Ying have gotten along extremely well since they had first met, and I believe that this would be a great proposition for the future of the sect." He started turning towards her, "A-Ying has also been a great influence on both A-Zhan and A-Huan. A-Zhan for one is more social with those around him when she is here and A-Huan is genuinely happier, but I think that might just have to do with the fact that is brother is happy." 

"Of course, if that is what is needed, you can inform the elders tomorrow. Would I need to be there as A-Ying's mother?" She quickly looked over to her daughter and Lan Zhan sitting together, practicing their calligraphy. "Also how is Madam Lani? I heard that she had fallen unwell recently."

"It would be wise that you are at the meeting tomorrow, I believe they might have some questions for you about A-Ying. And Madam Lan is getting better, she had fallen ill, and the doctor has given her some medicine to try and aid her in healing faster."

The two fell silent as they looked over to the two kids. Wei Ying had her head on Lan Zhan's shoulder, sleeping quietly, as he continued to do his calligraphy work that he had been give. It was clear that he was also tired. "I think we should get those two off to bed." Cangse Sanren whispered.

"I believe that you are correct. We should take them now while A-Zhan is still awake." He responded, a small almost invisible smile made its way over his face. "I'll have someone set up one of the Dormitory rooms for you, so you are able to stay the night." The two adults when over and picked up the kids, taking them to their room for an early bed, both exhausted from the day of trave and the training that Lan Zhan had done. 

Lan Ying - Gusu's Third Jade {permanent hiatus, no longer being updated}Where stories live. Discover now