Part 10: Showdown.

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A/n: In this chapter, there might be slight cursing, gore, and t0rt7r3. so if you're uncomfortable with that, you can skip this chapter.

White lily cookie tried finding where is dark enchantress cookie, until she realized that she was standing on a hotel.

' ' How is she snake to climb all the way up there..? ' ' White Lily thought to herself.

White Lily knows that if she climbs, it'll take a while.

"Maybe I should climb up... window-to-window." "But how am I suppose to do that..?"

She let out a sight and tried climbing the windows. She ended up slipping.

"Ah!" White Lily fell and banged her head. "Ow, ow ow!" White Lily was rubbing her head back and fourth until she realized to her left, there was a ladder. But the bad news is that it's old and rusty.

"I can manage.. you can't give up, white Lily cookie!" She said in her mind.

White Lily got up, and dusted off the dust from her gown. She clenched on her staff and started climbing on the ladder.

White Lily was able to reach to the top, and saw dark enchantress cookie... looking at the chaos.

"Y-You there!!" Shouted white Lily. Dark enchantress turned around and did a evil grin.

"I've been expected you, white Lily cookie!" She snickered. Making white Lily pissed off.

"Look what you've d-done!! You created this chaos, you've destroyed homes, killed family's!'n YOURE A MO—"

White Lily cookie stared screaming.

"That's enough talking, don't you think??.. You act like if this isn't usual."

"What's this? Ooh you got my infection!"

Dark enchantress cookie turned around and started closing her hands, making the bruise on white Lily cookie be more painful.

"S-Stop!!" She cries out. "I-I can't t-take the pain!!!" "STOP!! I DEMAND YOU TO STOP!!"

"This will teach you they to not mess with me!! Or speak.. when you're not told to spoken." Sternly said dark enchantress cookie.

Dark enchantress cookie rises white Lily cookie up, and throws her against a wall which had sharp nails pierced her skin.

"Now then," continued dark enchantress cookie. "Let's broadcast this..." "and done."

"Hello everyone of earthbread kind, I.. am Dark enchantress cookie!"

"As you can see, I have your friend here, Ancients!!"

Dark enchantress cookie turned her camera, and it was facing white lily. She was pinned to a wall, and was knocked out.

Once pure vanilla saw, his eyes enlarged in horror. "No.." "N-NO!!!!!" Pure vanilla was walking backwards, until he bumped into dark cacao.

"D-Dark C-Cacao!!! Hollyberry!" He exclaimed.

"What's the matter..?" Asked dark cacao.

"Dark enchantress cookie is holding white lily hostage.." said golden cheese cookie.

"This isn't good.. poor white lily cookie!" Said Hollyberry.

"Pure vanilla, you must go to get white lily cookie. Even tho it is risky, out of all us, dark enchantress cookie might have some sympathy!" Said Dark cacao.

"B-But what about you guys..?!" Said pure vanilla. "What are you guys gonna d-d—"

"Focus on white lily, my friend." Said Hollyberry. Pure vanilla looked at each of them and hugged them. "You guys are a-awesome.. man, this is making me cry!"

(OLD AND CRINGY) Pure Vanilla x White lily cookie: The crushed dynasty. Where stories live. Discover now