Part 9: I declair war!!

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Dark cacao got thrown on the floor by his son. He was shaking uncontrollably since half of his arm is dangling off, and the only thing you can see is sword marks all over him.

"Dark Cacao!!" Cried our hollyberry. Hollyberry inhaled, and tried running to dark cacao, but poison mushroom infected her with poisonous fumes! Due to that, hollyberry started coughing a lot. Even blood  came out, showing this isn't good.

"D-Dark Cacao.. h-hold on..!" wearily said hollyberry. Hollyberry was in terrible condition, but not as much then dark cacao.

"P-Please! H-Hold on!! I g-got you!!" Shouted Hollyberry.!

Hollyberry and dark cacao tried reaching for each others hand, successfully their hands were intertwined.

Dark choco was stunned "I-Impossible!! But the fumes, they were s—"

"Well they didn't, why you may ask?"

"Because we're ancients after all. Even if we go through the worst times, we shall not falter."  Said hollyberry.

"You should take that advice more, son." And just like that, Dark cacao did a smirk to his son and poison mushroom cookie, and then they went flying up in the sky. After that, Dark Cacao was coughing a lot.

"Woah, woah, woah! You need to be healed at the school." noticed hollyberry. Dark cacao blushed and nodded, because he is certain that that's in fact  true.

Hollyberry was carrying dark cacao by wrapping her arm around his shoulder, and helping him stand. They both started walking.

Pure vanilla and pomegranate cookie were fighting head-to-head. With the clinging and clanging, there's a large chance that Pure vanilla will loose since he only heals people.

"My.. you're an ancient, and you're loosing to me." Pomegranate let out a simply chuckle, with a smitten expression. Pure vanilla sucked his teeth, and got up.

"E-Enough! I may be a weaker, but I swear you will regret on doing this!" Shouted pure vanilla.

Pure vanilla looked angry. Very angry. Even his eyes were wide open, ready to attack pomegranate.

"..What a shame.."

Pure vanilla looked At pomegranate cookie, with a confused face.

' ' What does she mean..?" Thought pure vanilla.

"Dark enchantress cookie can destroy this place one by one."

"The fact that she wants to face white lily... or whoever she is."
"Once white lily cookie falls into her trap, she'll be GONE. Forever." "Wouldn't that be pleasant, pure vanilla?"

"NO!! YOURE SAYING CRAP! W-WHITE LILY COOKIE WONT DIE!!" "I-I know she won't.." pure vanilla was shaking his staff, looking down in sorrow.

"Oh, she will. Not to mention, she is a vessel of—"

Before she finished, pure vanilla charged at pomegranate cookie.. using all of his strength, and stabbed pomegranate's heart. With his staff.

Pomegranates eyes looked in shock, and just like that.. she fell to the ground. Bleeding jam jellies.

"N-Ngh!!" "We've still won!" "You!!!—"

Golden cheese came out of no where, and squished her face.

"For the love of earthbread, she's annoying!!" Exclaimed golden cheese, and let out a sigh. Pure vanilla looked at golden cheese cookie, and hugged her.

"Woah, Uh!! This is unexpected.." she said, in a surprised tone.

"Thank you.. Thank you so much!! You're amazing, golden cheese!"

Golden cheese froze for a minute, but did a soft smile at pure vanilla. "It's no problem." Softly said golden cheese.

Pure vanilla did a small smile, but it wept away quickly. "What pomegranate said.. d-do
You think is true?"

"What is, to be exact?" Asked golden cheese.

"T-That.. dark enchantress cookie is after white lily?" Said pure vanilla, playing with his hands.

"Pure vanilla.. you're shaking.."  noticed golden cheese. She took his hands, harshly.

"Listen, do you really think your love is that horrible creature feature?!" Shouted golden cheese.


Before golden cheese finished, she realized she was loosing her patience. Pure vanilla looked at golden cheese, with his eyes open. He was stunned by her words... It felt powerful but hurtful at the same time.

Golden cheese narrowed her eyes, and she didn't realize but tears started forming. She was shaking too, and dropped to the ground.

"Golden Cheese!" Cried our pure vanilla. He bent down, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Golden cheese, look at me." Sternly said pure vanilla cookie.

"N-No!!" croakily said golden cheese, burying her tears in her shoulders.

"Please.. I hate to see you like this. Now look at me, okay?" asserted pure vanilla.

Golden cheese looked at pure vanilla and hugged him back.

"I-I'm scared.. I don't know w-what to do!! This is so i-infuriating! I cant take this!! And I hate crying, why? Because I feel like I'm weak!!" Admitted golden cheese.

Pure vanilla slowly patted golden cheese head, and rubbed it.

"You're not weak, Golden cheese.. they say the people who cried for the first time, they've been strong for to long."

"You played your part golden cheese, and I'm proud of you." softly said pure vanilla.

From those words, golden cheese did a small smile and let go of the hug. "Thanks, pure vanilla.. I mean it."

"I guess you're not a thing after all." "Now, let's kick some Ass!!!" Shouted golden cheese

Pure vanilla did a small chuckle, and got up. "Yeah.. let's do this!" 

(OLD AND CRINGY) Pure Vanilla x White lily cookie: The crushed dynasty. Where stories live. Discover now