Chappie 13.!!!!! <3 (Yayayayay favorite numbahh.!!)

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I woke up to see Natalie chained to a wall her feet and wrists were shackled. I looked around to see if I could see anyone else; I saw about 15 other vampires on the wall across from me. I couldn't see all of them though I could tell there were more because my eyes had started to adjust to the dimly lit room. I got on my knees noticing that I had not been chained to wall like the others. I got up on my knees and went over to Natalie. I shook her but she wasn't moving; I noticed she was extremely pale, more so than usual. I figured she needed something to eat so I started fumbling around in the dark. Something hard and cold hit my hand; I tried to find it again and I couldn't feel it anymore I started scooting around slowly and found it again. A flashlight! Exactly what I need oh thank god! I flicked the button on and I put it on the ground trying to find something I could do to draw blood when I found nothing I crawled back over to Natalie, opened her mouth and put my wrist up to her fangs and made her teeth pierce my vein. At first I didn't know if it was going to work but then I felt her sucking on my wrist and then her hands came up to claim it. When she looked back to normal I tried to take my wrist back but she held on. I started to fumble around for my flashlight but my fingers made it roll away. "Natalie! Stop! Natalie look at me it's me, Claire, remember me?" I exclaimed She opened her eyes almost like she didn't know what was going on and let go.

She wiped my blood from her face, "Oh my god I'm so sorry Claire!" she said apologetically. "It's ok Nat I understand that you probably haven't fed in a while and it's ok. Now do you know what happened? Or where we are? Do you remember anything?" I asked. She just shook her head with an apologetic look on her face. I nodded and gave her my flashlight as I tried to see what was holding her at the wrists. It was metal and not a kind of metal that I thought of in a dungeon. They were very new stainless steal shackles and chains. Whoever put us in here went to a lot of trouble to make sure no one got out. I thought a tad bit sarcastically in my head. "Have you tried to recognize any of the others? Have you seen Vlad yet?" Natalie said interupting my thoughts. "No not yet I was the closest to you so I didn't really have time to find the others. But I'll do it now. I do miss Vlad and I'm very worried. But fisrt can you get out of those shackles?" I asked Natalie. She shrugged and I just nodded getting up and taking the flashlight away from her. "I'll be right back I'm going to see if I can find Vlad or someone else we know." She nodded.

I don't see anyone I know, almost everyone looks worse then Natalie did. I wonder how long they've been down here. I think as I'm walking down the row of people. I noticed someone that looked like Vlads father so I walked up to him. He looked like him but I wasn't sure if it was or not. I got up about to go run and tell Natalie but the man that was NOT Vlads father grabbed my wrist. I gasped and tried to pull it away but he was still stronger than me. He tugged on me and brought my face close to his. "Help me.." He rasped. "How can I help you? Who put you in here? How long have you been in here!?" I asked frantic for some answers. Somewhere it sounded like a door was opening or something like that. I ripped my hand away from the poor man and went back over to where I was placed. I looked over at Nat and she was playing along just as I was, I closed my eyes and waited. I squinted my eyes up to where the door was; there was a light and then a man pushed down the stairs then the light went out again. When the door shut I ran over to the man. I almost couldn't make out who it was because of his badly swollen and bloody face.

He opened his eyes as wide as he could, which wasn't very wide, his hand came up and touched my cheek, "Claire De Lune" He said. I then knew it was Vlad. I kissed him hard and he pushed me away I look confused, "Don't lick your lips" I looked at him puzzled as he wiped away his blood away from my lips. "If you ingest my blood you'll turn into a vampire. You'll die and then you will turn into a monster like me." I looked at him nodded and stood up. I helped him up and put his arm around my shoulders I walked him over to wear Natalie was sitting and set him down. I sat down beside them "Vlad who did this to us? Why have we been put in here? How long has it been?" Vlad looked at Natalie a little sad. Nat looked away with a look of worry and disgust on her face. "Who is it? Who's done this to us? Vlad? Nat?" I ask frantically. "It was our father Claire, he put us here. All of the people in here are here for the big traitor festival. Which I take it is tonight." Natalie says. I remember the man that looked like Vlad and I grab Vlads hand and tug him back up onto his feet and bring him with me over to the man.

Vlad bends down and shakes is head surprised. 'Who is he Vlad? He asked me for help earlier when I was looking for you." Vlad grabs the mans chains and rips them apart. His were more rusty and older so I guess it was easier then trying to break newer chains. The man slumps over and Vlad grabs my face. "I need you to find another human girl. She will be about your height, burgundy hair, and dark blue eyes. I need you to hurry though. It's urgent Claire." I nodded grabbed my flashlight from where it sit next to the man. I started walking down the rows of people. I have yet to see any girl with burgundy hair. I think as I continue to walk. Finally I find a girl with short red hair almost black. I bend down beside, grab her face and open her eyelids. Dark blue eyes yes I finally found her! I think to myself excitedly. I tap on her face gently and her eyelids flutter. She looks like she's about to die of starvation. I set my, turned on, flashlight down beside her and run to Vlad. "I found her now what?" He gets up and follows me as I run back to where she sits. Vlad breaks her chains like he did to the boys. He picks her up and walks back over to boy; He sets her down and takes the flashlight from my hand. I sit by the the couple and waits for him to return. He comes back with a pail of water I grab it from him and take a drink. He takes my hand and dips it into the water, careful not to touch it, and puts it against the girls forehead. He then opens her mouth and pours the water down her throat. She coughs and then opens her eyes she looks at me and then Vlad and then at the boy. She scrambles to get up and we help her. She hugs the boy and she sounds like she's crying but I doubt she is since she probably hasn't had anything to drink or eat in days. "How can we help him?" Vlad asks. The girl looks at Vlad and says "You can't do anything about it..Only I can." Vlad nods and gets up, grabs my hand and walks away from them. I hear a slurping sound and a low moan. I wonder if she's letting him feed on her.

I switch my mind back to Natalie and Vlad. I sit down and say "Can you not touch that water?" He shook his head. "Well ok then I'm going to go get some and I'm going to clean your face up ok?" I ask a little worried about him. "No you can't there's a bunch of hungry vampires that would rip you apart if you went down there. If you'll let me feed I'll be fine." I noded and bared my neck; He ignores it and takes my wrist. I feel the gentle pull of my blood going into his mouth and I watch his wounds heal. He lets go not fully healed.

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