Chapie 5.!!!

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                                           Haii everyone it's 4:41 here in Penn state, I'm chilling with le Timmy Pop (my mums bf).  He's a scary millatary guy lmao. I am dedicating this chapie to my new bestie friend(; in the whole world(: I'm on facebook to and I keep getting messages from sites' groups and it's irratating.!!  I thought the last chappie was gonna be long but since I can't tell how long every chapie is so. I apologize and I'll try and make this one longer I might go back and edit the last one and make it longer but no promises.

                                           Vlad looked at me apologetically while I was rubbing my face and he came over to me and kissed my cheek.  I grabbed his face and kissed him hard on the lips.  He leaned into me and we kissed more and deeper.  He looked me in the eyes and said, "I love you, Claire.  I'll never leave you again.  Then he did the strangest thing he licked my throat and I looked at him with a puzzled look.  He said, "I had to bite you.  But I wouldn't have left you with him if I only knew what you were going through.  I'm so sorry, Claire, i really am.  We hugged for a little while more then the doctor came in and said, "Claire you'll have to stay tonight to make sure that you'll be ok."  He looked at Vlad and said, "Your her brother right!?"  He winked at him and whispered "I know who you are, Vlad.  I'll let you stay tonight and say you're her brother and then let you take her home tomorrow.  I saw what her father did to her earlier, I trust you more."

                                                                    THE NEXT DAY

                                            I woke up and felt Vlads hand intertwined with mine, I smiled happily.  I heard the doctor from last nights' voice and I smiled even more.  I looked at Vlad and shook our hands and he looked at me and we kissed more when the same doctor came in.  He looked at us and 'D'awwed!'  We just giggled and looked into eachothers eyes.  He said, "After you fill out some paperwork and I can let you be on your way."  Vlad just nodded and the doctor gave us one last little smile and walked out of the room.  I looked at Vlad and he kissed me more this time they were just little pecks on the lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, jaw, and forhead.  The doctor came back in and gave Vlad the paper work and Vlad filled it out asking me questions he didn't know.

                                            As we were walking outside of the hospital we held hands and I heard an all to familiar voice.  It was a high pitched voice, kinda mousy.  She squealed and I knew who it was,  it was Madeline.  Madeline was always my rival ever since I could remember.  She has bleach blonde hair, hazel eyes, and olive looking skin.  She isn't the prettiest girl aroud but it seemed when  I had a boyfriend they always left me for her.  By the time we were 14 she'd been having sex with the guys I liked to keep them around her.  I froze stone cold when she came up to us and touched my arm.  She smiled with that wicked grin, and said, "Well whos this?  Claire have you been holding out and keeping this one a secret?"  She looked at him seductivly and got really close to him.  But Vlad pushed her away and got closer to me.  I smiled and said, "No of course not, Madeline this is my boyfriend, Vlad.  Vlad this is Madeline."  Madeline looked at our hands disgusted and curled her lip and said, "Hunny if you ever want a good ride, and you know what I mean," She winked at him. "Just call me." She gave him her number and he took it and ripped it up and said, "I don't think I'm going to need this, EVER."  He grabbed ahold of my arm and we walked to the car.

                                            He looked at me amused.  "Why are you staring at me?"  I asked.  "Because you look dumbfounded. Also because you called me your boyfriend."  He gave a slow sexy smile and I blushed.  He grabbed my chin and kissed me.  "You don't even know how bad I've been wanting to do that."  I smiled and kissed him back harder and I opened my mouth and I could feel his tongue playing with mine.  I moaned and he stopped the car and kissed me harder.  We kissed for a good 20 minutes and then he got off me and he started driving again.  We held hands the rest of the way home.  When we passed the way to the house I asked him where we were going.  all he said was "We're going to have a little vacation.  Don't worry I'm not going to rape and murder you. I could never do that to you, Claire De Lune."  "But I don't have any clothes or anything!?" I cried.  "Natalie packed everything your going to need.  We got everything ready while you were asleep."  He added cooly.  I had no way of getting out of this one, me and Vlad were going on a 'Vacation'.

                                            Hai everyone.! Sorry this chapie was kinda Twlighty lmao.  I will probably back and edit this one to cause I bet it's not as long as I wanted it to be.  Next chapie will be soon I promise.!! Member vote/comment/share/like and all that good shizz(;

Azzy out.!!(:

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