Chapter 6

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'It looks like Casper has pulled the new you-tuber ' Shouted Joe as he entered the flat with a big crate of beer in his hand.
'I haven't pulled anyone Joe' Casper said giving him a glare
'That's not what your arms are saying mate , they are all over her . It okay bro she's fit !' Joe joked , but he soon realised that no one found it funny.
'I haven't pulled anyone Joe because she is my baby sister , and I haven't seen her in a long time that is why my arms around her .' Casper said very clearly and quite harshly to Joe .

Joes' face dropped as he realise what he just said , his mouth opened to apologise but he changed his mind . Instead he turned around to Oli who was making his way into the flat with the rest of the drinks .
'Oli since when did you have a little sister ?' Joe asked
Oli nearly choked on air ,
'Her name is RiRi , we haven't seen her in 8 years we don't talk about her though ' Oli said to plainly trying to forget the horrible memory's surround his sister.
'Hi guys Marcus , Jim, Alfie , Zoë , Tanya , Casper ' Oli's face dropped as he stared at the girl who was with Casper , she looked like RiRi.
'RiRi ?' He asked shakily .
Ravina nodded and ran over to her other brother , Oliver put the crate down and picked up his baby sister .
Casper came over too and all three Lee's had a family hug . Joe looked dumbfounded
'What did I miss ?' He asked looking for the people on the sofa for support .
'RiRi we've missed you so much ' Oli was saying while he kissed her hair . All of the YouTuber got out their phones and cameras and took pictures or vlogs to show their subscribers the touching moment .
They all peeled away from each other and just laughed
'Right family reunion over , let's introduce you to everyone ' Oli said pulling her to the sofa.
One by one they all introduced themselves to Ravina , then it was Joes' turn.
'Err hi I'm Joe I live with Casper and Oli , I'm also Zoës' little brother .' Nervously Joe looked over to his big sister who gave him the evil glare .
'Ehh also sorry for calling your sister fit mate ' Joe scratched the back of his neck looking for forgiveness from Casper . Once Casper give his nod of approval , Joe livened up and started getting everyone drinks .

The afternoon went well , Ravina got to know everyone extremely well. They all loved her french accent , the hot topic of conversation was cochella !
What everyone was taking , wether we are all staying in a house , if the flights was going to be long .
Alfie was on his laptop when he received an email explaining all of their questions . It read ;
Dear Mr Deyes
In 2 days you will be flying to Los Angeles with other you tubers to go to the Cochella festival . However you along with the other you tubers have been given an extended vacation of 2 weeks . You will all be staying in a 10 bedroom property with its own pool and tennis court .
Your whole trip is paid for by the cochella organisers , we can't wait to see you there .
This email made everyone extremely excited for the trip , Tanya and Zoë where so excited they wanted to leave early so they could pack .
' RiRi, why don't you stay over tonight ?' Oli asked , Ravina thought about the idea and the logistics of packing for the trip .
' how about I go back with the girls we came in my car anyway , pack then come back later tonight ? ' She said , the boys nodded in agreement .
'I didn't know you could drive let alone own a car ' Casper replied ,
'Yeah Joe , Oli ,did you see the big black car in front of your building, that's RiRi's ' Tanya had a cheeky smirk on her face .
' you mean the big black Range Rover sport ? ' Oli questioned , all eyes where on Ravina.
'Yeah that's my car ' Ravina said in a monotone voice acting like it was nothing .
'Wow we have missed a lot ' Oli replied looking over to Casper .
Ravina shrugged to off and left the flat with the girls , they hopped in her car and off they went .
Once inside the apartment they all peeled off into their separate rooms , this is when the packing began . Ravina pulled out her Louis Vuitton luggage and started packing ,
6 bikinis
3 cover ups
4 shorts
3 maxi dresses
Under wear
4 pairs of stilettos
4 pairs of wedges
1 play suit
4 dresses
3 cardigans/ kimonos
5 crop tops
4 skirts
2 pairs of jeans
Sports bra
Sport clothing
Hair curlers
Hair dryer
Happy with her choices she started to pack them carefully in the bag , mentally writing down what she had bought with her .
'RiRi , your laptop is going crazy ' Tanya shouted from her room
How odd Ravina thought to her self , quickly she went from her packing to pick up her laptop from Tanya's room. As she opened her screen there was an email that popped up it read ;
Miss Lee,
After following up on some complains made by your fellow you tubers on how the feel unsafe on public transport . And how they get hounded with fans and paparazzi , and by you joining the England YouTube scene you can help change these peoples concerns. We have contacted your aunt and asked permission to use the private jet she owns , she happily obliged .
We wish to thank you for your families hospitality in the current situation . However we do ask of a favour , would you mind tell the you tubers the change in plan and how to get the the airfield where the plane will be waiting at 2400 take off is at 2415 .
Many thanks
Gleam management

After reading it Ravina carried on packing her large suit case , fuck it she thought . She retrieved another suitcase from under her bed and started to fill that with clothes she would wear both on holiday and whilst staying at Caspers and Oli's .

After about an hour of packing , she stuck her head into the girls room telling them about how we are no limitations of the amount of luggage or the weight of the luggage . Wanting to keep the private jet a surprise , Ravina informed them that the timings of the flight has changed and that she would pick them up too along with Casper , Oli and Joe.
The girls didn't seem bothered by the fact only excited that they could pack more stuff . Ravina left the apartment and headed over to the boys flat , but firstly she ordered some Chinese take away to be delivered to their flat . She also pulled into a sainsburys , picked up another crate of beer, wine and a bottle of grey goose vodka ( her favourite ). When she pulled up to the flat she noticed the Chinese take away pull up to , insisting that she would bring the food up herself to the flat . She paid the man and started the climb to the top flat ,
'Why did I wear heels ' she muttered under her breath . Before continuing to climb.
With her foot she expertly pushed opened the door with out dropping the food or alcohol .
'Hi guys ' she said before walking over to the kitchen to pop the food down .
'Did you walk all the way up here with all of that ?' Joe asked
'Yep and I'm wearing heels ',she said smugly whilst glancing at the boy who were still playing Fifa in the exact seats where she left them, 'Since you haven't moved in the 2 hours I've been gone , 2 of you can go and get my luggage .' The boys only grunted
'those 2 will get first dibs on the Chinese takeaway I've just brought ' Ravina had a smirk on her face , the promise of food works every time .

The boys scrambled over each other to reach the door first , they then raced down the stairs . You could hear their shouting and screaming from a mile away , by them getting all of her bags . Ravina searched the cupboards for cutlery and plates , she searched around aimlessly for them .

Then Joe brought 7 plates and knives and forks around to Ravina , it was like he had read her mind .
' thanks Joe' Ravina smiled widely and started to open the many boxes of goodies , so the boys could tuck in .

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