Chapter 12

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(anything in metallics try to imagine it as french)

They all clambered into the separate cars , in was only a short journey to the main terminal . Once they entered the terminal , Ravina followed the signs to'Private Customs'. The queue for private customs was parallel to the normal customs apart from the large glass wall separating them. The normal customs was over flowing with school groups who had just landed , the customs hall was rather quiet until one school girl noticed the You-Tubers.

'OMG look it's Casper and Oli Lee and the Suggs!' She screamed , this triggered all kinds of chaos as all of the school children craned their heads to catch a glimpse of the youtube celebrities.

'Hey look it's Jim and Marcus!' Another kid shouted

'And look there is Alfie !' A young girl with glasses called out

'Ahh it's Ravina lee !!' A boy with a blonde quiff screeched !

Ravina cringed this was the last thing she wanted , as she looked over to the now palling Zoë. She just groaned before shouting some orders to the guards her aunt had ordered.

'You make sure Zoë gets through first , get her to the car quickly!' She shouted in French to the burly guard.

He nodded is head in agreement before ushering Zoë through customs and through the other side , Alfie refused to leave Zoës' side so he followed after, how strange she thought to her self. But discovering Zoe and Alfie's secrets weren't her main priority is was getting back to the cars as quickly as possible without causing lots of chaos . The custom guard called the guys up one by one , he quickly checked them before sending through to collect their luggage thankfully he sensed the urgency . Ravina and Casper were the last to be cleared and they hurried into the baggage hall, one of the guards was waiting with their luggage ready to go . However this guard was meant to be protecting Zoë,

'Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas avec Zoë ?' ( why aren't you with Zoë?) she questions before pushing her trolley.

'Les autres gardes l'ont emmenée et les autres à l' car.One a alresdy laissé l'autre n'a que monsieur Sugg , ils vous attendent .(the other guards took her and the others to the car.One has already left the other only has mister Sugg in , they are waiting for you .)

He answered before pushing the trolley of luggage and following them out of the baggage hall and through into the arrivals , once they opened the doors they where blinded by the flashing lights of cameras and reporters shouting at them . Casper put a protective arm around his little sister pulling her closer to him , the lights were blinding making them disorientated as they walked toward to car. The paparazzi kept calling out their names and asking questions but the sound of camera clicking was also deafening , the whole experience was brutal and Ravina was looking forward to getting into the car.

The guard opened the door to the big black car which Ravina and Casper happily clambered into giving a sigh of relief once the door was shut and there was quiet.

'Dieu qui était horrible' (God that was awful) she muttered . The boys only gave a look of confusion as they didn't not know any french ,

'Why do you always speak in French RiRi ?' Casper said in quite a sad tone , by her speaking french it remind him of how he lost her for 7 years.

'In school we could only speak French unless it was English lessons . I guess I just got used to it I suppose then at the chateaux I only ever spoke french .' Ravina replied nestling her head on Casper's shoulder for the rest of the journey .

After 30 minutes in the 3 hour journey Joe piped up

'Why don't we play a game ? I'm bored ' he whined like a small child. Casper just rolled his eyes 'go on what do you wanna play ? ' he asked .

'Eye spy !' Joe replied over eagerly.

The Lees' both groaned , before nodding in agreement .

'Right I'm going first , eye spy with my little eye something being with G.

'Ground?' Casper asked










'CASPER are you a idiot? Its GRASS, as in the green thing outside!' Ravina shouted at her brother before bursting in a fit of giggles.

'Wayy well done Ravina!' Joe said joining in with the laughter

'Right my go' She said getting into the game ' I spy with my little eye something beginning with S'

' Sky' Joe asked

' I ain't stupid Joe' Ravina replied rolling her eyes

'Stable?' Casper assumed









'Casper are you stupid we are in the middle of the desert!' Ravina was now crying with laughter so was Joe.

They continued to play to game for the rest of the journey ,until they reached a large gated property .

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