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King George began to stir from her enforced nap the first thing she noticed was the rattling when her limbs tried to move, she groggily tried to open her eyes but was blinded by a bright light forcing her eyes closed once again.  Her head throbbed with pain as she recalled the battle with Bismarck, he had won and he is still alive. He had killed all of them in that battle and had done so in such a way that even the dead still feel the wrath of the Kriegsmarine. She tried again to open her eyes and was greeted with a room of white, she took note of the curtain surrounding her bed, which she was hand cuffed to. She tried to break free of the chains using her strength as a battle ship but to no avail, she sighed before falling limp on the bed again. 

"George? Is that you?" A voice called out to her left one se recognised instantly

"Rodney? I guess we really are dead." George said grimly.

"I wouldn't bet on it. After all why would we be chained to a hospital bed if we were dead?" Rodney observed while looking around.

"Then we're alive? Did he capture us? Why us?" George began to breath rapidly as all the possible scenarios of what Bismarck could do to them played out in her head. 

"Beats me. I won't turn down some rest though." Rodney said with a sigh as she closed her eyes.

"That's it? You're just going back to sleep?" George asked outraged by her allies suggestion.

"George, rest. I know I was out of the battle before you were but I felt how just one of his shells hurt. I can't imagine what it was like to have dealt with more than that." Rodney said as George fell silent. She rattled her handcuffs once again to try break them but to no avail. With a defeated sigh the prince fell back into her pillow.

'Huh, more comfortable than the ones we got back at base.' George thought, the pillow was thick enough for her head to sink into it, it was a new feeling for the Battleship so it took her by surprise.  That's when she heard the sound of a door slide open.

"Right, if they're awake I owe you some teabags and if they're still asleep I am getting drunk tonight!" An excited voice  said with a noticeable German accent, one that caused George to scowl.

"Eugen!" George growled without realising, a fresh voice giggled triumphantly.

"I prefer Yorkshire tea gold, Eugen."  The second voice said, the voice was familiar to George she couldn't dwell on it further as the curtains around her bed were pulled back, where she was met with the disappointed face of Prinz Eugen and the smug face of her old friend Hood.

"Gott verdammt." Eugen scowled as she eyed George. 

"Good morning George, how was your rest?" Hood asked a look of concern growing in her eyes while a sense of bewilderment befell George.

"Hood...it can't be..." George said in disbelief before anger overtook her. "How can you be standing beside here as if nothing was wrong!?" George asked outraged, she thrashed in her chains trying to reach the traitor. Hood looked at her sadly.

"Well that's because to me, nothing is wrong. That commander sent me to my death. How you can remain loyal to a spineless moron is mind boggling to me, hell I'd even say down right stupid to remain loyal to a man who ordered your sister to her death." Hood said calmly while George thrashed and raged.

"Loyalty to the crown should outweigh any feelings you have about the commander!" George spat, her thrashing only intensifying while hood scoffed.

"Loyalty to the crown?  Since when did the commander start wearing a crown? If you mean the British crown then I am afraid you have misplaced your loyalty. As for mine? I've been loyal to myself and myself alone." Hood growled getting in Georges face, the battle ship recoiled at the harsh words of the cruiser. Hood then took a step back and turned towards the door, taking one final glare at the Battle ship before walking off. Eugen took in a sharp breath after Hood slammed the door closed.

Pride of a nation. (Bismarck Male reader x Azur Lane Harem)Where stories live. Discover now