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UK Hidden base...

The red liquid that once contained the mighty Bismark has spewed across the ground reaching the steps leading to the exit on the other side of the warehouse like complex, the moniter beside the tube was blinking with a red light and beeping loudly. The halls of the facility were filled with laughter as Doctor Ludvig and the British scientist approached the main test area.

"Anyways, thats's how I lost my medical lisence." Ludvig joked walking through the white tiled hallway, the British doctor laughed along with him.

"I still cant believe you stole a man's skeleton!" The British doctor continued to laugh as he opened thedoors to the dark warehouse only lit up slightly by the glow of the ship containers.

"Ja...Ze healthcare agencies were seriously slacking back then." Ludvig said as he flicked on the lights and both doctors gasped in shock at what they saw. The room was flooded with the red liquid used to contain the Axis warships. Ludvig muttered profanities before taking off in a sprint to where the containment breach occured. Once Ludvig reached the container he collapsed to his knees.

"Nein...Nein! This is unexceptable!" Ludvig yelled as he walked over to the pannel next to the tube. This is when the British Scientist rrounded the corner.

"What are you doing?" The Brit asked as the German frantically typed into the console.

"I need to stop the Bismark, if word gets out about what we have done here then you and I are-"


"I'm afraid I cannot allow that to happen, old friend." The British Doctor said holding a smoking L117A1 pistol. Ludvig slowly turned to stare at the Brit only for the doctor to shoot Ludvig right between the eyes, with a sigh the Brit picked up a phone.

"Hello? Ah yes commander the doctor has been eliminated, Yes his family are next...oh You have them lined up now? Then what are you waiting for execute them!" Gunshots were heard from the other end of the line. "Well done, the Queen would be proud." The brit then hung up the phone and smiled.


Y/N Pov...

Bismark ended up winning cause I didn't know she could use my body as a jump point so when we got to the coast of Japan she jumped into my body and manifested in front of me just before we touched land.

"Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass du das kannst, hätte ich diesem Rennen nicht zugestimmt!" I yelled at Bismarck. (If i had known you could do that i woulndt have agreed to this race!)

"Weeeell....You never asked, so I didn't tell!" Bismarck  retorted as the guns on my back folded back into my body. 

"*Sigh* Sie mögen Recht haben, aber ich mag immer noch nicht die Tatsache, dass Sie diese Informationen zurückgehalten haben." (You may be right, but I still dislike the fact you withheld this information.) 

"Fine, fine I won't do it next time. Pioneers honour." Bismarck said preforming a mock salute to which I rolled my eyes. This is when a spot light shined onto us.

"Hold it right there!" A feminine  voice called out I raised my arm to block the light.

'Scheiße, How are we going to get out of this one?' I asked the ghost.

"I got this, hang tight." Bis told me as she took over.

"Um, yes hello? I'm lost can I get some help?" I/Bismarck said

'Wait why do they speak English in japan?' I asked.

'Shut up and let me think!' Bismarck snapped. The light shut off and the sound of sand shifting filled the air as a blonde woman wearing a heavy coat over a one piece swimsuit came running towards us.

Pride of a nation. (Bismarck Male reader x Azur Lane Harem)Where stories live. Discover now