Rewinding Life

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The world stops spinning and Gura finds herself in her apartment hallway, back where she was standing when Amelia sent her forwards in time in the first place. She checks the watch to confirm the time. 3:05pm. She pulls out her phone to double-check the date. It's yesterday again. That future that she was just in, no longer happened. She doesn't bother trying to understand how that works and just takes Amelia's word for it. She puts both devices into her hoodie pockets and considers her options. The appointment isn't until late at night. She could travel ahead to then, but could also try talking to the Amelia of this time about what happened. She realizes now that the start of trust being built up between them is only a one-way street so long as any memory of it is being erased and frowns. "Well that's unfortunate, huh?" She mumbles to herself. Feeling the weight of the watch in her pocket, she considers for a moment that really, there isn't a harm in talking to Amelia. She'd have to face this at some point after all, so she may as well do it now.

Gura walks quietly through the short hallway and peers around a corner to look into her main room. Amelia is laying on her back on her blue sofa, engrossed in reading on her phone. Gura clutches the watch and decides just being positive is the best way to go about this, as usual.

"Heya, Watson." She steps into the room.

Amelia screams and her phone goes flying into the air. She stares wide-eyed at Gura. "Wha- how- Gura??" She's completely stunned. Gura can't help but smirk at this.

"Catching Amelia Watson off guard? Can I get an award for that?" Amelia is at a loss for words. "And in my own house, too. You know I live here, right?" Gura teases her. Levity could hopefully help ease tension. Banter and teasing is familiar, and feels nice. A sense of normalcy in what has been a very abnormal time.

Amelia finds her voice again. "...What happened in the future for you to be back here right now?" She sounds stressed. Her phone is still left on the floor. Gura can see an article about 'Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Throughout Time' open on it. She looks back to Amelia.

"Well, a lot of stuff?" Gura fiddles with her hair nervously, unsure the best way to explain. "We, uh... got into a fight, and talked about some trust issues between us."

Amelia finally sits up properly and furrows her brows. "Trust issues? We've not really had those before, right?"

Gura purses her lips and looks down. "Not ones we've talked about before." She reaches into her pocket for the watch again. Not yet. "You made me promise three things, and then taught me to use the watch and go back."

Amelia's eyes go wide and she stands up. "I what?"

Gura smiles, hoping it'll calm down her friend. "Yeah, so uh... I came back here. Figured it was important to talk to you about it."

Amelia takes a trembling step towards Gura. "I- I don't know what you talked to me about in the future, but I need my watch back. Please." She's asking desperately.

Gura frowns and clutches the watch. "You let me use it, Ame. I still need to use it. Just for tonight, I'll give it back after that. I promise."

Amelia shakes her head. "You could- you could mess up everything."

Gura is starting to see a pattern and feels a weariness over having to convince Amelia all over again. It was hard enough the first time. "That's what I mean by trust, Ame. You don't trust me. And it's hard for me to trust you when I know you take memories from me. You undo time to get what you want."

Amelia has a look of guilt on her face. "No I don't, I..." She stops herself and becomes indignant. "Would you do any different?"

Deja vu. "That's what we're finding out." Gura taps her fingers on the watch in her pocket idly, contemplating briefly how much patience Amelia must have to experience the same conversations over and over again.

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