001 :: HUGS.

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      JENNIE STOOD in the BAU's kitchen, pouring herself a cup of coffee, as she let out a yawn. Emily came in, giving her a smile, before noticing her drink.

"Woah, when did you start drinking coffee?" Emily asked her, taking the pot from her, and pouring it into her own mug. Jennie let out a sigh, shaking her head.

"Ever since senior year."

"That bad, huh?"

"Terrible." The teen huffed, "But, at least it'll all be over in a couple months."

Emily chuckled, standing across from the girl. When it fell silent, the woman looked at the teen again, "So, uh, you feeling okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know— we haven't really had a chance to talk since the whole—" Emily trailed off, but Jennie knew what she was referring to.

"Don't even get me started on that." Jennie sighed, knowing the woman was talking about the ambulance explosion, "I already got a big lecture from my dad. And Rossi. And my uncle Sean. And my half-cousin Sue whom I've never met, or knew existed."

"It's just— You're a really smart girl, but— that decision the other day? That wasn't smart, Jen-Jen." Emily told her, sighing, "Look, I'm saying this because I love you. We all love you. But, we're not going to love you to death."

"I know, Emily. I know."

"Do you, Jennie? Because you didn't seem to know it that night." She questioned her, which caused the girl to notice her expression.

"You're mad at me."

"Of course I'm not mad at you, but that doesn't mean I'm happy with you either." Emily couldn't help but start to loose her filter, "That was an incredibly stupid decision. Do you know at what odds you could've gotten out of their safely? One in a million, Jennie—"

"I don't give a crap about the odds, Emily." Jennie cut the woman off, "Getting hurt— it's inevitable. People get hurt for stupid reasons. They die staying in the comfort of their own home. My own mother hurt me because I was simply born— A-And you want to talk about the odds?"

The teen sighed, catching her breathe, before continuing, "So, I faced it, and I saved you guys that day. I did that, Em. And I know it was stupid, and you have a right to be upset, but I did a good thing that day, and I don't deserve for you guys to think I did anything less than that."

Jennie looked at the woman, saying one last thing, "I've survived a drowning, an abduction, and now an explosion. I am one in a million."

The silence was thick. As the woman continued looking at Jennie, her phone had gone off. She looked at the caller ID, sighing, before walking away from the girl to take it.

Jennie only stared at the area Emily had stood in for a second, before turning around, seeing Derek Morgan looking at her.

She sighed, walking closer to him, knowing he had heard everything, "Are you pissed at me too?"

"Seriously? How can I be. You're here. You're alive." Derek told her, "You were brave out there. I'm proud of you."

He pulled her into a hug, as Jennie spoke while in his embrace, "Love you, Morgan."

"I love you too, kid. Always."

       IT WAS a new day, when Jennie sat next to Morgan by his desk, as Jennifer barged into the bullpen.


"What's up?"

The blonde turned on the T.V., as the reporter spoke, "What is reportedly being called a routine questions-and answers meeting by Colorado child services has turned into a violent and deadly standoff between Colorado authorities, and a fringe religious group known as the Seperatarian

"Is that the ranch Emily and Spencer are in?" Jennie asked the blonde.

"They're still inside."

Morgan immediately turned back to the Unit Chief's office, yelling for him, "Hotch!"

Aaron immediately got up from his desk, and came out to the room.

"The T.V! Prentiss and Reid."

"Nobody knows how many people are inside. It is believed at least three of the child service members are still trapped within the compound." The reporter continued.

That's when all the work phones in the room began to go off, "Alright, that means we're the lead with Hostage Rescue and Support. Lets go."

       JENNIE stood in the restroom of the BAU, washing her hands. As she began to turn the water off, the door opened, revealing Emily Prentiss.

The woman was caught in a high-stakes hostage situation in Colorado. The teen was worried about her ever since she heard it on TV.

"Hey." Emily gave her a small smile.

"Hey—" Jennie had relief in her voice, "Oh my god, I heard about what happened. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just—" Emily looked at the floor, "I just needed a place to clear my head."

"Oh, I-I was just about done, so I can leave if you need some alone ti—"

"No," Emily cut her off, "Uh, I just need someone who— who I know is like— I don't know."

As Emily stumbled on her words, Jennie let a small smile form on her lips, "You need a hug."

Emily paused for a moment, before chuckling, "Yeah. yeah, I guess I need a—"

The woman was cut off when Jennie hugged her tightly. She stumbled back a bit, but after a moment, Emily hugged her back.

Jennie Hotchner's hugs always made her feel better.



i double dog dare you to comment ur guys' take on the will smith vs chris rock situation (without starting arguments pls )

OH and idk if i've mentioned this b4 but i post edits & stuff of my fanfics on tiktok (@/sweatervsts) if you wanna check it out idk idk 😁🙏 i just posted one of jennie

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