015 :: COOKIES.

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JENNIE had been attending Columbia University for a good amount of time, when she finally took the weekend to fly back to Quantico to visit everyone. She arrived on Friday morning, and reunited with everyone at the BAU.

Her and the girls of the BAU had made plans to hang out, as it had been a while since they had a girl's night with all four of them. Jennie walked to the side of JJ and Emily, holding two coffees, one of them being for Penelope who had wandered off earlier.

"Well, are you going to call him?"

Emily shrugged at JJ's question, "Maybe."

Jennie and JJ both groaned, "Emily."

"Mick Rawson is an arrogant, oversexed, egotistical-"

"Hot, British dude with a sexy accent, badge, and gun." JJ finished for the woman.

"Wait- his name is Mick Rawson?" Jennie finally processed, now changing her view on the man, "Oh- yeah, sorry JJ. I'm siding with Emily on this one."

The blonde playfully rolled her eyes, "Alright, you know what? I don't even get you guys sometimes."

"It wouldn't go anywhere." Emily defended.

"You don't know that."

"I know our work schedules."

"Okay, you know what? Will and I make it work." JJ quirked an eyebrow, before looking ahead, to see Penelope approaching them. The woman was accompanied with many, many gift bags that couldn't fit in her hands, "Oh no."

"I know. I know. I know." Penelope walked up to the group, slightly out of breath, "Don't say it. But, when you see what's in here- and it's not my fault. They were calling to me I swear. And they were all on sale. And when you think about it, that means that I am helping the economy, which is more than I can say for you guys because no one else has bags."

Jennie shrugged, taking a sip from her coffee cup, "She has a point."

"Yeah, please tell me those are all not for my son." JJ told Penelope, looking at the numerous gift bags in her hand.

"They're not."


Penelope raised up the smallest gift bag, a slightly guilty expression on her face.

"This one is for Kevin."

Jennie laughed at Garcia's words, "I've missed you so much, oh my goodness."

Penelope smiled at the teen, before looking back at JJ, trying to defend herself, "What?! It is my duty as a fairy Godmother to spoil the child! And Henry is finally old enough to be fun when opening presents. I'm not taking them back! Give me my coffee and no one's gonna get hurt."

The woman nodded towards Jennie, who held her drink? "Oh, uh- half-caf, extra shot, venti, two-pump nonfat, hold the whip, caramel macchiato."

"Mhm." Penelope grinned, clinking her cup with the teen's, "Next stop, Xanadu."

The two smiled, before JJ's phone had buzzed, sighing out of disappointment as the woman read off her phone.

"Xana-don't. Time to go to the BAU, ladies."

Everyone groaned, seeing their night cut short. They had all hoped to get one last girl's night in before Jennie flew back on Monday morning.

As everyone got ready to head back to the BAU, a lightbulb had went off in Emily's head.

"Maybe I should get a cat."


THE TEAM sat in the briefing room, as Jennie shared the batch of cookies she had picked up while she was shopping. As she gave Penelope one, Rossi walked in.

All eyes landed on him. Specifically, they landed on his undone tie around his neck.


Jennie couldn't help but get grossed out.

"Sorry to ruin your night." Aaron told the man, as everyone stared at him in slight surprise.

"What, are you working on wife number four?" Derek chuckled, extending his hand back so Jennie could high-five him as she walked behind his chair.

"I see you people way too much."

"Hey, Casanova." Jennie nodded towards the man, extending out her container of treats, "You want a cookie?

Rossi only looked at the girl for a moment, squinting his eyes at her before speaking.

"I hate you. And your cookies."

Jennie frowned, lowering her arms that held the tin of cookies, as everyone laughed.

She huffed, as she went to sit on the couch behind them, while they began briefing the case.

Blair would've thought it was funny, she thought.

In the midst of the briefing, she ended up falling asleep, the tub of cookies next to her. After the time was done briefing, they all filed out of the room, taking a couple cookies from the tin as they left.

Jennie had no more cookies left when she woke up thirty minutes later.



quarter zip hotch. o. h my f goodnes s

longer chapters are coming soon 😩 there's not that many funny moments that happen while the team's still in quantico in the middle of ssn 5

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longer chapters are coming soon 😩 there's not that many funny moments that happen while the team's still in quantico in the middle of ssn 5. but we're already almost to the finale- and there are many in ssn 6!!

word count.

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