Chapter 3

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Han pov:

I was walking alone in the hall after I asked the teacher if I could use the restroom. I can tell shes getting sick of me going everyday, so I figured if I wanna be able to go for the rest of the year I need to start using my passes sparingly.

I turn the corner and saw a brown haired boy that I could recognize even in my sleep. Literally, he's in my dreams quite often.

"Hey!" I called out.

He turned around with round eyes full of curiosity, until I saw his face drop. He rolled his eyes and let out a rather exhausted sigh.

This wasn't anything unusual however, actually it was pretty expected considering I do this anytime I see him in the halls.

"Minho~" I called out as I jogged to catch up to him.

"Oh for fucks sake," he grumbled in a low tone. I walked beside him admiring his facial structure.

"Has anyone ever told you-"


I pouted, stomping my feet a little as we walked, "You're so cold."

"You're so annoying." He quickly retorted.

I decided to ignore that comment. "Say, what would you do if I asked you on a date this weekend?"

"Walk away." He said in a monotone voice looking straight ahead, not glancing my direction once.

"Wrong answer baby."

He acted as if he was thinking hard for a moment. "I'd say no, and then walk away."

"Oh come on, what have I ever done to make you not like me?"

"Speak, Get on my nerves, sleep with half the school?"

"Hey, hey don't slut shame me. I'm asking you on a date, not to fuck." Han thought for a moment, processing what he just said, "Wait why would you care who I fuck anyways?"

He stopped walking, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me close. He leaned down, his lips basically on my ear and whisper in a low tone.

"Wanna fuck?"

My eyes shot open wide, cheeks turning a deep red. I never blush or even get flustered, so what the fuck was happening to me? My jaw felt like it was on the ground.

"I- wha- wait.. did you-" I was flabbergasted.

I've been asking him on a date every weekend for the past two months, but this, this is something I never expected.

He let go of my arm and looked at me, again with no expression. He let out a scoff and continued his walk down the hallway.

"He must think I'm all bark and no bite!" I exclaimed to the blonde as he grabbed a few textbooks out from his locker.

"Isn't this what you wanted," Felix asked, "Why didn't you just say yes?"

"Well for starters he was messing with me! Secondly... I don't know!" I said frantically brushing my hands through my hair. "I was in shock... mostly."

"What do you mean mostly?" He said raising an eyebrow at me.

"....Half of me just knew I couldn't do it. He's different."

He paused and looked at me wide eyed. "Han Jisung.. do you still have genuine feelings for him?"

"Would it be bad if I did..?"

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up and said, "No, but I don't want you to get too attached to him again.. if nothing happens."

"I know, I know."

"Good, I can't watch you go through that kind of suffering again." He said looking at me with his beautiful sincere eyes. Gee what would I do without my best friend.

"Do you have Minho's number?" I asked pulling out my phone.

Felix shook his head no, but then I saw his face light up. I followed his eyes and noticed he was now looking behind me.

"Channie!" He called out, walking away from is locker that he left wide open.

I decided to stay there and wait for the blonde to come back. Suddenly both his, Chan, and a boy with black hair's attention was on me. I could only imagine what he was saying. Staring back felt awkward, so I turned my eyes to the ground hoping the world would swallow me whole. I may be outgoing, but I get really shy and nervous around new people when they're focused on me.

When Felix arrived back he handed me a folded piece of paper, I opened it and saw a phone number written down in neat handwriting.

"You're welcome mister."

"Thank you so much!" I said, grinning from ear to ear. I doubted Minho would actually talk to me, but it was worth a shot right?

I wanted to text him right away, but I held off on doing so until I got home.

I wanted to text him right away, but I held off on doing so until I got home

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Well, it wasn't a success but he didn't block me. So In my book I win.

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