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Over the next couple of months during summer break, Ellie had been practicing more with her magic and studying to keep on top of her lessons for when she were to return to Hogwarts later in the week. She had grown more confident in her self control over her magic and was learning new abilities as she trained with Remus. She and George had been writing letters to each other the whole time and she had also gotten some letters from her father as well. 

She was currently packing up a bag as George and his family invited her to join them at the Quidditch Worl Cup along with Harry and Hermione. She was excited to finally see George after so long but was also nervous about meeting his parents. She felt at ease that Harry and Hermione would be there as well but the thought of George's parents not liking her absolutely terrfied her. George reassured her in his letters saying that his mum and dad were very excited to meet her but she still couldn't help but feel nervous. She tried her best to push those feelings to the side as she zipped her bag up and walked down the stairs from her room. Remus was already waiting for her as he stood by an antique mug that she hadn't seen before. She gave him an odd look as she stared at the mug, "What is that?"

Remus looked from her to the mug with a smile, "This is a portkey, Ellie. Just one simple touch and it'll take you straight to the Burrow." Ellie nodded her head in amazement before she looked at her Uncle, "Couldn't I just fly there myself? I've been practicing a lot, ya know...", she muttered as Remus sighed, "Yes, you have been practicing but I already told Arthur and Molly that you would be arriving by portkey." She knew that Remus had already talked to George's parents about her powers and George had also blabbed about them on several occasions. She huffed with a pout before she walked over to the mug, giving her Uncle a quick goodbye, before placing her fingers on the mug. Instantly she began to feel dizzy as she saw things spinning around her before she landed with a thud on the grassy ground. She got up with a groan and wiped the grass off of her before she looked out to see a tall house that looked like it were three houses stacked awkwardly ontop of each other. She shrugged her shoulders before she walked along the path, her hair blowing in the breeze. 

Inside the burrow George was waiting anxiously for Ellie to arrive. Fred had been teasing him all day about how much he missed Ellie and would make kissing noises whenever he was near George. George was also nervous because he had grown his hair out over the summer and wasn't sure how Ellie would react to it. Molly Weasley was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast for everyone as she watched her son pace around the living room. "George, dear, she's not going to get here any quicker if you keep on pacing. Come, sit down, and eat some food", she said to him but he didn't listen as he looked out the window in the living room. Footsteps came down the stairs as Harry, Ron and Hermione appeared with bags over their shoulders. "I'm guessing Ellie isn't here yet", Ron said as he watched George pace in the living room before going to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. 

Hermione and Harry followed Ron into the kitchen, gretting Molly on their way in, before taking a seat at the kitchen table. Molly placed more food on the table before whispering to the trio, "I've never seen him like this before. She must be a really special one", she said with a smile as they all watched George. Molly went back to the sink and began to clean the dishes when she looked out the window above the sink and saw a head of orange hair that she didn't recognize walking up the path to the burrow. She dropped the dish she was holding in surprise with a gasp, gaining the attention of the trio and George in the living room. "Oh, George dear, she's beautiful!", she said making George run over to the door and opening it to see Ellie making her way up the path. Her red hair had gotten lighter turning it into a bright orange color, just like the Weasley's. Her skin had gotten a little more tan than usual she looked more confident than ever. 

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