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She could hear everyone bustling around in the tent behind her but her eyes stayed trained on the chaos that was happening in front of her outside. Magic was being thrown everywhere at innocent people as clouds of black smoke surrounded them and fell from the sky above. "We have to go, now!", she heard Arthur yell as she turned back around and saw the group beginning to rush out of the tent. She felt arms grab her as she sensed George behind her, pulling her into him closely as they all ran out of the tent and into the chaos. 

People were screaming in fear and running in different directions trying to get away and save themselves. "Get out! It's the Death Eaters!", Ellie heard someone scream in the distance as they rushed away through the crowd. "Get back to the Portkey, everybody! And stick together! Fred, George, Ellie! Ginny is your responsibility! Go!", Arthur yelled as he pushed the twins and Ellie towards Ginny. Ellie looked back and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione with Arthur as they ran in another direction. She went to run after them before George grabbed her, "They'll be fine Ellie! We have to get out of here!", he said loudly before the four of them ran towards the hill to find the old boot. 

As they ran quickly to get out of the chaos, a scream was heard behind them and Ellie and the twins turned around to see Ginny on the ground grabbing at her leg. They rushed over to her and the twins picked her up and helped her stand. All of a sudden black smoke surrounded them as it turned into people wearing black cloaks and what looked like metal masks. Ellie stared them down as they surrounded the four of them with their wands pointed at them. She could hear Ginny whimpering in fear and in pain as she turned her head to face the twins, "Go! Get Ginny out of here! I've got this", she yelled at them before facing the Death Eaters and swiftly moving her hands as red balls of magic swung at them, knocking them down for brief seconds. 

"Your insane! We're not leaving you Ellie!", she heard George yell as she turned back around. A Death Eater was behind the twins and Ginny and was about to strike them, "Get down!", Ellie yelled at them as they quickly turned their heads to see the Death Eater just about to send a spell at them before they ducked to the ground and Ellie sent red balls of energy at the Death Eater knocking him back a few feet and rendering him unconscious. She rushed up to the twins and Ginny and helped them up, "I'll meet you at the portkey but you need to get Ginny away from all of this!", Ellie yelled as she rushed them over behind a tree. George looked reluctant as he didn't want to leave Ellie alone and Fred noticed this before he scooped Ginny up in his arms and turned to his twin, "You know she can handle herself, mate. We have to go, now!", he yelled to George. George took one final look at Ellie who nodded her head at him before he turned back to Fred, "Let's go!", he said as they ran with Ginny the other way towards the top of the hill. Ellie watched them dissappear behind the hill before she turned back around to see a Death Eater staring right at her. 

"You've got quite some power there", the Death Eater said as he motioned his head to Ellie's hands, her magic glowing brightly. Ellie tilted her head side ways as she stared the man down with her now glowing red eyes before mustering up a red ball of energy and quickly throwing it at him, catching him off guard and knocking him down. She smirked at him as he laid there unable to move before she heard more screaming from behind her. Fire and smoke were surrounding her as she walked into the chaos of what was earlier just a bunch of tents and people raving about the World Cup. Ellie knew she had the power to get rid of these Death Eaters as she raised her hands and swiftly began sending balls of energy at any Death Eater in sight. 

Back at the Portkey, George waiting anxiously as he watched for any sign of Ellie as the others passed him and touched the portkey taking them back to the Burrow. Fred had carried Ginny the whole way up the hill and was the first one to touch the old boot to get Ginny back home safely so Molly could take care of her daughter. George saw as Harry, Ron and Hermione ran up the hill, clearly out of breath, as Ron and Hermione rushed past him to touch the portkey. "Where's Ellie?!", Harry immediately asked as he saw George looking out at the scene ahead of him. He pointed out and Harry turned his head and his eyes widened as he saw the chaos of it all. Fire was everywhere as small green flashes flew through the smoke indicating that the Death Eaters were still causing so much damage. But what really caught Harry's eyes was the amount of red magic that soared left and right throughout the whole scene. Ellie was down there fighting all those Death Eaters and Harry knew he had to get back down there to help her. As he went to run down the hill arms grabbed him by the waist, "Harry you mustn't go back down there! We must all leave, now!", he heard Arthur from behind him as he was pulled back to the portkey. George faced his father with a worried look, "We can't just leave Ellie behind, dad!", he yelled at his father. Arthur looked up at his son with a heavy sigh as he placed his hand on George's shoulder, "You know just as well as everyone here that Ellie can take care of herself. She will find her way back to the burrow! I am sure of this, son!", he said to George. George looked out over the hill one last time before he was pulled to the portkey and transported back to the burrow. 

Molly sighed in relief as the rest of them entered the burrow before looking behind them, "Where's Ellie?", she asked as Arthur sat down at the table. "She was fighting them off! She saved us, mom! She's saving everyone else!", Ginny exclaimed from across the room, her leg now wrapped up in a bandage. Molly turns to Arthur with a scowl on her face, "You left her there to fend for herself with all those murderers! Gods, what were you thinking Arthur?! What am I going to tell Remus?!", she yelled at her husband making everyone cringe at how loud she suddenly became. 

Before anyone could say anything a whooshing sound is heard from outside causing them all to rush up and out the door. They all look up at the sky as Ellie floats down to the ground and stabilizes herself as she lands. She had small red marks on her face, eyes still glowing red, as her hands at her side lowered and the magic around them slowly vanished. George ran down the path to the burrow and gently grabbed her face in his hands before leaning down and kissing her, not caring that his whole family was watching. Ellie gasped in surprise at the sudden movement against her before she realized what was happening and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to pull him closer as she kissed him back. 

George reluctantly let go of her and analyzed her face in his hands, "You're going to be the death of me, you know that woman?", he said causing her to giggle with a smile as George guided her to the burrow. Molly was the next person to rush up to her and quickly begin to look Ellie over for any injuries, "Are you alright, dear? Come inside and lay down", she said as they all followed her inside and Molly and George helped Ellie sit on the couch. Molly went to the kitchen and got Ellie a glass of water before bringing it back to her with a smile. "Thank you", Ellie said to Molly as she took a drink before setting the glass down on the table next to her. 

"Who were those people? In the masks?", Harry asked as the room got quiet. "Those were Death Eaters, Harry. His followers", Arthur said. 


"Yes, now I don't know why they were there or who summoned them but we are all lucky to have gotten out of their alive", Arthur said as he sent a look to Ellie. He was grateful that she saved his children's lives but he felt horrible that he made everyone leave her behind. Arthur got up from his seat and began to walk up the stairs, "All of you get to bed now. We've had a long day today and you all need to be well rested for your first day back tomorrow", he said before waving goodnight and heading up the stairs. Ellie sighed as she leaned her head back against the couch. She was exhausted from all the fighting and was ready to get to bed as soon as possible. She felt a presence sit down next to her as the couch dipped and she turned her head to see George sitting next to her. She could tell that he was still feeling anxious from earlier so she grabbed his hands in hers and rubbed her thumbs against them softly. "You don't have to worry anymore Georgie. I'm right here and I'm alright. Just a couple scratches but nothing more", she said to him to try and ease his stress. 

"I know, love, but what if something worse did happen to you? Why didn't you just come back with us?"

"I couldn't just leave all those innocent people to get hurt or die, George. My powers are meant to help people, I'm meant to help people. So if I could have done anything to fight those Death Eaters I was going to do it. I'm sorry I worried you but if I had to do what I did again to protect you, Fred, or anyone...I would", she said sincerely. George looked at her in awe as his worries slowly started to melt away. He could see the sincerity in her green eyes and it felt like she was looking into his sould. He gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her in for a soft hug. Feelings between the two were growing stronger and faster than they had both anticipated but that didn't worry them at all. 

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