Chapter 5: First day

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Just keep going folks-🙄

Y/n's POV

Hmm...I hear voices and rushing sounds. Like bruh let me sleep, I open my eyes finally. Miriam and Abby are there trying to wake me up. When Abby sees I am awake she smiles and says at the top of her voice "Goodmorning Y/n!!!!!!!" Then she runs to Miriams bedroom bathroom and locks it.Ouch, my ears hurt now. Miriam smiles and pick me up. It's strange and I blush slightly as she slowly places me on the ground. As she lets go of me my back bends forward too much and my left hand slings down. I can't stand straight at all Miriam, if you did not know. Just leave me her- " We can't leave you so I will carry you to school ok? Only if you can't walk fast enough!" She interrupted my thoughts, Omg help. I can float there Ok?. I say to her in my head but in reality I stare at her like a fish. Mei exits the bathroom and says "Girls! Hurry up and change!! We have to get to school! Y/n where are your clothes?!?!". I stare at her and open my hand with a blank face. I know well enough that this school did not have a uniform. A green collage sweater and some orange shorts appear in my hand, there was also my name printed in Peach and outlined with black on my sweater. Mei smiles and keeps walking, fixing her hair and other accessories. Wait...didn't Abby just go in the bathroom, and Mei was in-... No. I am so stupid do not get random Ideas!!!!! NOOOO OMG!! I erase that part of my mind and forget about it completely. For now. I throw the clothes at myself and the pop onto me. Dropping my short sleeve pyjama's on the floor. Miriam scooped them up and dropped them in her laundry hamper. "Hey girls. We will sleep at each others houses for the next 2 weeks. Ok?. Mei's mom might have to meet Y/n first though." Said Miriam in a relaxed voice.

Time skip to when we are walking to the school.

Miriam Rides her skateboard, Mei walks briskly, Abby speed walked. Planting somehow. Priya walked at the same speed I was floating, for some strange reason. When we reach the steps to the school Mei, Abby, Priya and Miriam looked  at me. I nod and we start to walk up the steps, yeah me too with my broken back. I do not need anyone else seeing my power yet...
Mei opens the door to the school an walks in. We follow as Miriam suddenly takes my right hand and squeezes it. I blush bright red but we continue to walk with the others like an Atom cloud . Then the announcements go on "Welcome back to a brand new week kids. Be nice, share and use kind language and actions. The announcements go off.
Miriam walks me to my locker after she spots it right beside hers. "Cool! We are right beside each other!" I still don't smile or talk. I just nod. The I open my locker and everything I need for the year is in there. I don't think they realize that I used to- and will continue to make Manga, because man that amount a paper be looking like Protons. I scoop up all the blank paper and put it in my bag. Miriam watches as I do so. I also took, five pencils, a sharpener, and a few other things. How am I moving with a broken back right now? You also probably wonder why I can't heal myself with my powers well, Author will tell you later. I close my locker and touch it. It can't open like that even without a lock. Miriam taps my shoulder and ask "You done? Ok, What's your first class?" I show her my schedual. She smiles and says "PE, dodge balllll-" then she frowns. Have a broken body. In that case people will realize I have a broken back and feel nothing. Then they will get suspicious of me...omg...whatever. like I care. "I guess you can live through it, come on. You are not missing your first PE class with me!". Wait. Miriam is coming too. And we have to change, again. Omg, but with a bunch of other strange people too.

Time skip to PE

I am so self conscious. As Everyone changes normally I sit down far away with my eyes covered. I hear whispering, talking, laughing and movement. Weather my eyes are covered or not, I can still see them. Cringe. When I finish changing, after everyone had left I exit the change room and slugged to the court. I looked at both teams. Miriam and Priya were on one side so I just went to them. The game started and at that moment, Priya gave me a purple dodge ball. She points at an ugly plate faced boy that was laughing on the other side. I nod and throw it right at his face. It hit him and he fell over. The coach whistles and says "Your out!". The boy gets up, looks at me and frowns. Hater 1. Achievement unlocked. Get one hater on the first day. Ugh...
Priya smiles and Pat's my back then she said "That's Taylor, He is also in our friend group. He is so whinny he deserved it so I let you. I always miss. Cool Priya.
Then I look at the other team. They all aim for me. What are they... AGH?!! Everyone on blu team threw at the same time. Before I could do anything, all the balls hit me. I fell hard back first. My broken back bone, I could feel it scratching a massive hole out as I fell and I hit my head too. My head blead from the back and spread out across the court. My back also blead. It did not hurt though so I just started up at the sky when Miriam and Priya ran up to me. "Y/N!!" Said Priya In a loud voice. The coach called 911 and the kids who threw the balls all looked away in shame. Serves  you dogs right. Miriam Picked me up and hugged me, even though the coach said not to. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I blush. "I am coming to the hospital with you..."she says as I barely nod. The coach and other kids looked scared, like how the girls did when I fixed the TV. Even the ambulance people looked stunned.

At the hospital

Miriam sat in a chair right beside me after she convinced them to let her stay. I helped without talking. Later on The doctor comes In looking at a page like when Rat found out bout sweets. Then he says "Y/n..umhh Do you know when you broke your back?". I nod. Then he says "Ok, It's been broken for more than 12 hours, you were walking around school and streets with a broken back? And even broken fingers too! Does that not hurt?". Of course not! I shake my head silently. The doctor looks at me and asks "Umhh, do you talk...? If so could you read out this sentence for me to see if your head is ok? And for your back I want you to sit up". He hands me a clipboard with half of a story written on it. I open my mouth and close it again. I do this for a while till the doctor takes the board and leaves, slamming the door. Leaving me and Miriam alone. "Hey why didn't you say anything." She says quietly. I don't speak I stare. She frowns and gets up, stomping over to my hospital bed, "I want you to be at our next sleepover tonight. At Priya's with the girls ok? Come if you want, bye Y/n...". Miriam leaves sadly.

So about Y/n not healing themselves is that when their heart is at the hardening of 70 to 100 they can't heal themselves. They have to feel safe, happy loved or their heart will hardened up. Bye loves!😁💚

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