One more day.

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It's the day before graduation, we were fitted for our cap and gowns a few weeks ago. Our school theme is blue and silver, the guys wear blue and the girls wear white. I try on my cap to make sure it fits, it does. I stand and look into the mirror. I'll be wearing this on my last day of school.

I'll be wearing this on my very last day of school. My very last day, my very last day in school. Very last day, very last. The last day of school. I think about me walking and grabbing my piece of paper for the last time, with my eyes closed.

I take in the moment that I will have tomorrow and take a deep breath. No more stressing about homework, no more stressing about grade. No more stressing about failing or making it on time. No more stressing about teachers, no more stressing about school. Just no more, no more.

My phone dings and knocks me out of my thought, I walk over to my bed to grab it. It's a message from Roman.

Ready for your big day? He texts me. My stomach drops, it's really going to be my last day in school. Forever.

No. I respond.

Relax sweetheart, you'll be fine. Promise. He replies.

I smile a little and chuckle. Okay, fine. I text back.

Besides, I have a present for you that I think you'll like. He texts me.

My stomach drop lower and I'm ready to barf. I'm so nervous that I want to gag. What's that?

My breathing quickens.

He's coming. I think to myself.

He's definitely not coming.

It's a surprise. He responds. I'm less nervous but I'm still nervous.

Ugh. I text back.

I grab the skin tight,navy blue dress and pull out my silver sandals that laces up to my knee. I place it on the chair, in the corner, near the tv. I've decided to flatten my hair for graduation. I grab a silver necklace with simple diamonds, every other couple inches. I'll be wear simple silver studs on my piercings: double cartilage, double lobes, a conch was a simple silver ring and my belly jewelry was a silver bar with diamonds on each end. I was set for graduation.

It's a good this that the dress I'm wearing doesn't expose my belly. Since I've gotten this piecing, I haven't even been in a pool. He doesn't know about it yet, they don't know. My brother and sister do thou. They won't tell, they can't tell. I trust them that must to keep my secret.

I look at the digital clock on my night stand, the time two pm is lit up a hot pink color. The color changes every twenty four hours. I look down at my phone and I have a text from Roman.

Take deep breaths. You'll walk down to grab your diploma and be out in no time. It reads.

I chuckle with a smirk on my face. It's not like you're gonna be in the stands Roman lol. Our graduations are different and I have anxiety so.

I don't think you should've told him that. He's technically a stranger but not really but kind of is. My mind drones. I see it's point. Fuck it.

I look out of my window, the sun is hiding, fading downward. It's falling asleep. I keep my curtains cracked and cut on my tv. I go on Netflix and watch Grey's Anatomy. I start from the very first episode. As it loads, my phone goes off.

Never know, don't assume. His message says. I roll my eyes. He's right but at the same time I'm right to think the way I do. Everyone I meet will at some point never talk to me again. I'll never see them, except rare occasions.

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