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__—"lord meliodas!" chandler calls out to meliodas as he is approaching the castles doors

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"lord meliodas!" chandler calls out to meliodas as he is approaching the castles doors. "where have you been i've been so worried!" chandler's eyes are filled with tears as he expresses his worry as he checks meliodas body for injuries.

"i'm fine chandler." he says coldly as he moves pass chandler.

"i'm so glad you're okay!" chandler turns and follows meliodas into the castle.

meliodas ignored everyone and went straight to his room. he fell onto his bed out of exhaustion. the only thing consuming his mind was his odd interaction with the goddess that is going to if not already betrayed her own race.

he thought deeply about all of her features. her eye color, and how it shined differently in the moonlight. how the stars glare reflect off of her eyes and made them shine brightly within. how her hair flowed naturally in nights colder winds, rocking back and forth as the wind's stopped and then returned once again. as he thought about her more and more, the emptiness he had within his chest started to disappear. his coldness shade of black eyes faded which revealed his true eye color. a shade of green that perfectly describes the shade of sea that has the sun's attention on it. which causes the sea to turn a greenish blue color. his eyes sparkled as he thought about how he wanted to see her once again, and see if she could completely get rid of this emptiness for good. he has never felt so passionate about a new discovery. it's the kind of high that he could never get use to, and it would continue to make his heart beat. yet, all highs has it's hangovers. he remembered that she was from a completely different race than his, and even worse the opposing teams race.

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