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"Jesus-fucking-Christ, can you just stop over-exaggerating everything!" a man yelled. "I'm not over- exaggerating asshat, you never spend time with me in public!" A woman yelled back. Ryujin knew exactly who was arguing, again. "You know why Chaeryeong, because you don't know how to have a good time!"

"Oh really?!" Chaeryeong yelled back. "Yes, oh my god!" The man said loudly as he ran his hands through his hair, a slight laugh laced in his voice.

As he was about to say something again, the girl cut him off.

"You know what Taehyun?!" she calmed herself before speaking again. "Do whatever the hell you want, okay?" Chaeryeong spoke, attempting to keep her voice down. "I don't care at this point. Just don't get too drunk ok? There are a ton of people here so don't get too sloppy. It's a party after all." Taehyun looked away and sighed. "Ok." he said, exasperated from the yelling. He grabbed the girl's hands and put them in his own before placing a kiss on her cheek."I love you Ryeong." "Love you Tae." She responded, almost as if it were a script she was following.

As Taehyun walked away, Chaeryeong let out a deep sigh before wandering to a table alone. As her best friend saw what happened, she went through the crowds and grabbed a few drinks for the both of them before heading towards her. "Want some company?" Ryujin said, grabbing the attention of a frustrated Chaeryeong. The younger showed the other a smile. "Yes, I would love some."

The two talked for a while before getting to the big bit. "What was that fight about with you and Taehyun?" asked the short-haired girl. Chaeryeong sighed and responded "He just... He gets on my nerves in such a unique way. It's so annoying. I love him, of course..."

Chaeryeong paused for a bit as if she was questioning her words.

"But it gets tiring you know?" Ryujin nodded as she held eye contact with Chaeryeong, which didn't last long as a loud song began playing, making her attention land on a certain someone.

Ryujin searched for where her best friend's eyes were until she saw him. Taehyun dancing sloppily with another girl grinding on him. The older of the two immediately caught on to Chaeryeong's unease and was eager to change it. "Hey," Ryujin said, placing her hand on the younger's, which made the distraught girl turn towards her. "Wanna go somewhere else? Away from the drama?"

Chaeryeong lightly smiled and nodded as she got up and grabbed her glass. Ryujin did the same, taking hold of Chaeryeong's hand so they wouldn't get separated. The two of them ended up in an empty room, which happened to be the guest house.

"It's cold in here." Ryujin whined dramatically, making the other chuckle. "Stop the whining Ryu." "Nope." she responded cheekily, as she went to the bed and covered herself with a spare blanket she found nearby.

Chaeryeong went to sit next to her as she laid her head on the older's shoulder, her mind still being clouded of her "sweetheart boyfriend" dancing with someone else.

"Still thinking about him?" Ryujin asked. Chaeryeong didn't bother responding and opted for nodding, making the room end up in comfortable silence, which neither of them were mad about.

"Can I say something?" The shorter asked. "Hm?" "You're boyfriend fucking sucks." Ryujin said nonchalantly, which made Chaeryeong take her head off her shoulder with a shocked face before busting into a fit of laughter, making Ryujin laugh as well. "Look I'm being serious." She said as she calmed down from the laughter, a sweet smile still remaining on her lips.

"Even I could be a better boyfriend than him."

Chaeryeong smile turned into a smirk. "Oh yeah? Prove it." Ryujin lightly laughed, believing that Chaeryeong's words were a joke until she saw the look in the younger's eye, inticing the former. Ryujin's smile faded as her and Chaeryeong we're both just staring into each other's eyes. Whilst the staring competition was going, the older slowly put her hand up to Chaeryeong's cheek, looking down at taller's lips and back up at her, asking for permission as Chaeryeong slightly nodded her head before leaning in more, confirming she wanted it as well.

Boyfriend - Ryuryeong 18+Where stories live. Discover now