5. Motel Shenanigans

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   Henry pushed her against the wall. Y/N tried to fight back, but he was too strong. His lips lowered to her neck...and then he jerked back up, his face etched with pain. Y/N scrambled away and saw a knife sticking into his back. Sam and Dean had arrived, and within seconds, Henry's head was severed from his body and Sam was holding a machete dripping with blood.

   Y/N leaned her head against the wall for a second, closing her eyes and catching her breath.

   "I told you to stay where you were," said Dean furiously.

   "Well, we got him, didn't we?" She opened her eyes and gave him an annoyed look.

   Sam stared at Henry's body. "He was just a kid."

   The other two followed his gaze. They knew the first rule of hunting; you can't save everyone. Y/N had heard it many times, when hunters came to her with their sob stories.

   They had the room scrubbed clean in a matter of minutes. The female patient managed to stay asleep through it all. Sam offered to take care of burning the body, so they dropped him off at a secluded spot on the way back to the motel. Y/N stared out into the dark past the Impala's window, thinking over the case.

   Dean was silent until they were almost home. "You okay?" he asked.

   She glanced sideways. "Yeah. You?"


   "Thanks for, y'know, saving my life back there."

   He nodded wordlessly. They pulled up to the motel and got out of the car. Y/N glanced at her Mustang a few spots over, then back at Dean who was headed toward their room.

   "Wanna come in?" he asked, opening the door.

   Y/N drew in a breath. Every bit of common sense in her was screaming for her to just leave. But a few minutes wouldn't hurt? To say goodbye before he and his brother skipped town? "Sure," she responded, following him inside.

   The room was dimly lit. Dean took off his jacket, laid it on the chair, and loosened his tie. Y/N wasn't sure what to do or what to say. She was suddenly aware that he was staring at her. "What?" she asked faintly, wondering if her face was as red as it felt.

   "You have some, uh..." He touched his cheek.

   Y/N's hand flew to her face and her fingers came away slightly red. Blood must have splattered on her when Henry was decapitated. She excused herself and went into the bathroom. Part of the collar of her flannel was stained red, and even though she rubbed it under running water in the sink,it didn't come off. She was now only in a black tank top.

   She exited the bathroom to find Dean sitting on his bed. He stood up when he saw her, his eyes lingering on her shoulders as he spoke hesitantly.

   "Y/N, I need to tell you something."

   She crossed her arms, trying to look nonchalant while her heart skipped a beat. She wasn't sure how this was going to end- but some part of her, deep down, knew what she wanted. "Okay."

   "We had three cases to choose from, me and Sam. This one was the farthest, but I picked it cause," he paused, "well, I wanted to see you."

   This stirred something inside Y/N's heart- something she hadn't felt since they first met. She tried to ignore it, smirking and crossing her arms instead. "Really?"

   He took a step closer. She was suddenly very aware of her breathing.

   "I can't forget you, Y/N. I couldn't if I wanted to," he admitted.

   Y/N looked up into his green eyes. Her smirk had faded. This was the last thing she had expected to hear from Dean Winchester. At first she suspected it was only a line, but the sincerity in his voice was all too true.

   Suddenly his lips were pressed against hers. His hands were soon in her hair, and Y/N could think of nothing but how good it felt and how desperately she wanted to take things further.

   He deepened the kiss. One hand slipped down to her waist, slightly bending her backward. His mouth traveled from hers down to her neck, and then Y/N hesitated.

   Dean felt it too, because he pulled away with a concerned expression. "What's wrong?"

   "I can't," she whispered. Not after you saved me. Not after you've been nothing but loyal and good. Not after I've been keeping a secret this whole time. "Not now."

   He took a step back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel-"

   "No, no, it's not you." She cupped his cheek affectionately so he could understand she had wanted it as much as he did. "I just- I need to go." She picked up her flannel from where she'd dropped it on the bed, snatched her leather jacket from the hook near the door, and hesitated once more. "Goodbye, Dean." Without waiting for a response, she shut the door behind her, leaving him alone and undoubtedly confused.

   He didn't deserve this rejection. But even more than that, he didn't deserve to spend the night with someone who'd been lying ever since they ran into each other at the police station. She climbed into her car and slammed the door vigorously. I'm making the right decision, she consoled herself. He would want to kill me if he knew. Literally.

   But I can do this one thing for him, for both of them, as a way of thanking them for saving me from Henry. It'll mean running from them for God knows how long, because God knows Winchesters don't ever stop to think or to listen, but they deserve this.

   They deserve to know where their father is.

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