Chapter 11

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(the dodgey confusing time skips are on purpose) 

Aizawa's eyes widened at the message, he whispered to Mic that he had to go do something important and immdiately ran away. A little kid, a 16 year old with anger issues and a dude with a gun are not a good mix last time he checked.

He ran out of the stadium as fast as he could, swinging over the UA barrier (Yes, he could do that. Nedzu had a identifier thing if it was anybody else the walls would go up.), he pulled up his phone and tracked Bakugou's location while running roughly in the direction of Mustuafu, he jumped across buildings until he was at the apartments. It had taken about 10 minutes to get there.

Slightly before that

Bakugou's eyes widened once he heard the gun-shot, he did not want to figure out what was in that room.

He told Aizawa about it and slipped his phone into his pocket. He wasn't weak, he could do this.

He creaked open the door.

Aizawa bust down the door to the house, a horrible stench immdiately consuming him. How the fuck did anybody live in these conditions. Mouldy and rusty bottles of alcohol and wine lay about, some shattered, some spilling, a huge glass table that was between the sofa and the TV in the living room was broken to bits, the only thing distinguishing those shards of glass from the alcohol was the slightly clearer shade and even that was hard to see with the only light being some peaking in from mostly closed curtains.

Midoriya was living here just a month ago, what the hell.

That really was not his worry in that moment, he scanned the room, not in there. He walked towards the hall (he was speedwalking during all of it holding his capture weapon with a death grip.) and checked every room. 

Yes, including the bathroom and that was just the most vile thing ever.

The last door was a slightly already open door, that was where they were.

Bakugou creeked open the door, he was expecting the worst and hoping for the best.


The dude was laying on the ground, his brains leaking out of his head and a growing pool of blood, the girl was closing her eyes and burying her head into her knees and crying. And Izuku was staring at the dead dude, gun in hand, eyes wide as saucers.

He stared at the dude who was holding a gun to his head. He shook so hard and bit his lip. He made direct eye contact with him. He reached to his tool belt and felt around it. He had another gun. He countinued to make eye contact with him as he prepared the gun, he prepared himself. And the moment he was ready he pointed it at him and shot him. 

Directly in the head.


He stared at the body, blood gradually spilling out of his head unaware to the panic it was causing in his mind. The shiny red blood glimmered. The only light in the room was from the closed curtains. The room was mostly empty.

He breathed in and not out. Tears welled up in his eyes, everything was blurry. He was unaware of everything. He pulled at his hair unknowingly. He just killed somebody.

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