Chapter 14

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Edward and Kidd strode quickly away from Kidd's ship moored dockside, down the wooden quayside and towards busy Havana.

A colourful and chaotic port that never really seemed to quieten, it was the hub and heart of the islands economic affairs. The sea front bustled its usual afternoon business with shouts from the local quayside traders desperately trying to shift their wares, locals fished, sailors drank and inevitably, eventually passed out and children fought and argued loudly. The dozens of gulls voicing their disgruntlements above just added to the cacophony of noise loud enough to make your ears ring.

Edward and Kidd dodged and weaved slowly through the busy crowds, picking their path carefully.

"So we see Du Casse, you give him that bloody key once and for all and we leave straight away with your lass Kenway, yes?" Barked Kidd, the distaste of the situation clear in the tone of his voice "I'm none too comfortable around Templars besides regarding all this.... I need to get word to Ah-Tabai as quickly as possible"

"Aye......well, we get the lass back, I'm none too sure about the key yet Kidd I've not decided about that..........what is it that's bothering you so much?" Replied Edward.

"what's bothering me is that there's Something's not sitting right about them having those Assassin darts" Mused Kidd loudly

"are you sure they've come from the assassins?" Replied Edward

"They're Assassin's darts Kenway there's no two ways about it......but what worries me is how the Templars bloody got their hands on them!......."

"Couldn't the Templars have developed their own darts?" Asked Edward

"Impossible, they've not had the know how.....assassins have used them darts for an age until now, no ones ever known how to make em but, Templars have got their hands on em some how I'd say, and if they have its terrible news man!" Kidd declared loudly "I need to get word to Ah-Tabai as soon as we're done here"

"You need to calm your breeches man!" Said Edward scuffing his heels noisily as he walked

"Kenway! You don't seem to understand what this could mean man.....with those darts in the hands of The Templars, they could develop them, improve them, advance them and we wouldn't stand a chance, that's what they do"

"Aye, well if it's as big deal as you say Kidd, we'll finish business here and drop by your mentor on the way back eh"

"Aye" Sulked Kidd

They climbed the few stone steps that led away from the dockside and into the outskirts of busy Havana.

"Know the way to this mansion do ya Kenway?" Asked Kidd following his lead

"Aye, I've been there once before, few years back now when I met Torres and Du Casse" Edward thought back and stopped "yeah well..... you know the rest Kidd"

"Oh aye.....when you posed as Warpole, and sold us out Kenway" barked Kidd angrily

"Aye....well I'm trying now aren't I" Edward replied trying to appease Kidd

"Yes.....You're really bloody trying Kenway aye, that's just the problem"

They continued their walk through the dusty busy streets, their path taking them passed a small group of prostitutes huddled together on a street corner, They stood in the strong Caribbean sunshine cooing and calling out to unsuspecting passing males, their advances usually falling on deaf ears. Upon seeing the two sailors approach, the girls straightened and began to sidle quickly towards them.

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