Chapter 3 - Bolts for freedom and fashion fails

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"If London has fallen then where is even safe?" I ask on a whisper. 

"Nowhere is, but we need to get out as soon as possible. I heard someone at the station say the army were going to bomb the worst hit areas to try and destroy as many zombies as possible." Karina says, her tone light as she tries not to let on the danger of the situation to Roza. 

I take that hint and force my voice to sound as calm and carefree as possible. "What about the survivors, that makes no sense." 

"I think they're just trying to save what they can and god help anyone who is caught up in it all." 

I shake my head, how could everything go downhill so quickly? How did things go from stay home if you're unwell, to literally eating each other?

"My boyfriend is coming to get me, you guys are more than welcome to come too?" I offer.

Karina glances as Roza, who is finally beginning to relax and her eyelids are drifting shut. "If you're sure you don't mind." She says quietly.

"Of course not, we are going to get out of this together." I lean forward and pat her knee somewhat awkwardly.

"I don't know how I can ever repay you." She whispers, cradling Roza closer.

"You owe me nothing." I assure her, "I'm just glad you're both safe now." 

We gulp down our teas in comfortable silence and I check my phone quickly. No more messages from Dec, but with him driving I'm not entirely surprised. 

I consider messaging him to share news of the extra passengers I had collected, but I had a feeling he would mutter something about me being obsessed with rescuing strays. He had stopped being surprised about the wildlife I was constantly rehabilitating a long time ago. 

Although he grumbled about it, I had caught him chatting to a recuperating hedgehog or two in the past. 

"I'm going to grab some bags and check around for food we can take." I whisper as soon as I'm finished.

"Do you want me to-" Karina moves to stand, but I raise a hand to stop her.

"No, no. You just stay here and let that sweet girl rest." I whisper back and she smiles.

I watch her lean back into the seat and Roza snuggles in, apparently barely stirring at the movement. Out of habit I pop each of our cups in the dish washer - not that anyone is going to notice if we don't - and make my way out to the main office again.

It's still quiet out. Quiet as the grave some might say. I shudder at the thought and try not to imagine the fates of my colleagues right now.

At the moment I can pretend that they are all fine and safe in their homes. Not that any of them cared where I was. I feel a spark of annoyance that not one of them thought to check on me in their haste to get out.

The annoyance makes it that bit easier to raid their desks and drawers for the snacks they have hidden there. The rucksack I stole from the IT office is almost full by the time I've reached the other end of the office. So much for those January diets, I grin as I examine the selection of chocolate and crisp. 

I've grabbed a few power banks and bottles of water as well, thinking they might be useful. There's a smug smile on my face about the fact I've managed to actually think ahead for once and I determine that Dec is going to be very impressed with my planning skills.

As I swing the bag up onto my shoulder and make my way home towards the staff room, a noise catches my attention. A low groan that sounds nothing like Karina or Roza. I freeze, my eyes scanning the room until they land on a familiar figure shuffling out of his office. Director of Finance and killer of fun, Amit is moving slower than usual and I drop out of sight behind a desk just as he swings around.

The World Could End With You - NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now