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 After a hot night filled of blurred passion, we lay next to each other, our breaths mixing with each others. Legs intertwined, hair disheveled, sweat covered us as if it were a thin blanket. The adrenaline that filled my veins, started fading away, bringing me back down to myself. Warm sun rays cascaded into the bedroom with a glow, illuminating the fluffy bedding. I peeled myself from the crook of his elbow, sighing. Swinging my legs over the bed, I stood up then fell back down when a sharp pain stabbed my lower stomach, making me collapse back on to the bed. Uffh! What happened last night? Confused, I looked around the room for anything  over to the nightstand. I saw the compact orange bottles; Ambien, Zoloft, they read, along with untouched lines of Angel Dust, and what I assumed was an Alice B. Toklas.

 A wave of nausea knocked me into its depths. My throat opening and closing, wanting to throw up whatever was in my system. I stumbled towards to the bathroom, leaning on the side of the toilet seat, puking, panting. This is almost as bad as a hangover. After my morning sickness - more like morning hangover - has passed, I got in the shower and prepared for my day.

 Considering that I told my firm that I was going on "an international case" for two months, I think it was about time that I ought to go back to work. Harrison was reluctant to let me go to work. His best argument was that he makes enough money to support the both of us, but that only hurt his case. So this upcoming weekend, I decided to put Harrison's wallet into a strenuous workout. Harrison and I went out to malls and bought new business suits for the both of us. All of my favorite brands from Calvin Klein and Miss Me to William Westmancott and Gucci, filled the numerous bags and our closet space. Of course I got some new makeup and jewelry because, well, most of them there were at home. But when we got home, he showed me where he stashed my things. He said he wanted me to have some time before he gave them to me. I guess sometime when I was sleeping he went there and got what I needed. Well, I shouldn't keep thinking about it. I have work on Monday, and I need my game face on. Man, two months away from work. I hope I'm not rusty, I need to get back into my groove. And I hope that new secretary I hired won't snoop around. What was his name again? Ben? No. Bart? No, that's a stupid name. Boe? No. Screw it, I'll just read his name tag.

 Monday morning came, and I found myself already at the door of my firm. I felt strange, like I almost didn't belong here. I shook it off and walked through the revolving doors.

 "Good morning, Ms. Starks! How does it feel to be back? How'd the case go?" Jerry spoke. Jerry was actually one of the sweetest guys I've met. He had that nice deep voice that you would never get tired of hearing. He was a handsome man in his mid-twenties, and just got engaged to his fiancé, Davis. I can't remember when the wedding is, but I know it's a few months away, June or maybe July? I'll check later.

 "Feels just like home, Jerry! Missed the weather here. The case was a big success!" I smiled and got into the elevator, pressing the 28th button. When the firm was built, my great grandfather hated any number over 29 in buildings. I guess the war had gotten into his head a bit when construction confirmations went through. It was like that small thing I'd see everyday that bugs me, but I just can't change it.

 The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Greeted with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, I put on a smile and walked in. I quickly walked over to my office to get my favorite tiffany blue coffee cup for the morning. Coming out of my office, I glanced to the right and read the name plaque: "Secretary: Baxter Wane."Baxter, Baxter, Baxter, I said in my head repeatedly. I went in the coffee room and almost majority of the floor was there. They should know I don't like it when everyone's standing there soliciting.

 "Ahem," I coughed. Everyone turned around with opening arms, welcoming me back from the trip. I thanked them saying, "Thanks everyone. Now let's get back to work. I'm back, but that doesn't mean we can stand here and chat all day. These cases are our top priority." Everyone nodded and hustled back to their offices and cubicles.

 Finally in my office with my favorite roast of coffee, I took a good long stare at the good size stack of cases in front of me, hoping they would magically solve themselves. But to no prevail they didn't come alive like the pots and pans in Beauty and The Beast. Sighing, I knew the harsh reality and a deadline, I took the top one and got down to business.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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