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"We have to get rid of the body, Princess. Fake a car accident that incinerates the body, mutilating any physical evidence that connects us to that piece of fertilizer. I already had my people take care of all of his paper trails that could lead to us to. Hello, Princess, are you listening to anything I am saying?" I wasn't really paying attention to him, but I saw that Harrison had a much more enthusiastic tone, which was odd for him because he was about to put his brother in a staged car suicide. You'd think that family would mean a lot to you, but I guess in Harrison's mind, his family wasn't was as important to him.
"Harrison, could I ask you a question?"

"You just did, Princess." He winked at me. I needed him to be serious right now. I was in no mood for giggles and laughs from him right now.

"Why don't you care about your brother?" His face went from energetic to grave quicker than the snap of my fingers. I felt him tense up next to me on the couch. He remained silent. "Harrison?" I spoke to him softly, putting my hand on his knee.

He let out a deep sigh and said, "Princess... Damon isn't my brother biologically. He was a co-worker, a typical person you know at work." Well I most certainly did not see that answer coming.

"So you guys lied to me?" I was shocked, not really from Harrison lying to me but that Damon did.

"Let me ask you a question. Why aren't you so affected by Damon's death?"

"That's a question I've been asking myself for a while." I honestly don't know why I wasn't devastated. After all those years together, you'd think that one person has such an impact on your life, but when he passed, it was like he just came and went. But with Harrison, that was a way different feeling of emotion with him. It was like I was starting to abandon my feelings that I had with Damon for Harrison. But the bad thing was, was that I wasn't opposed to the thought of it.

I actually think it's almost making sense to me. I don't know if I should tell him how I feel about him just yet. But if I do tell him, would he judge me? Would he welcome me into his muscular arms and tell me everything is going to be okay? To promise to protect me from the harms of the outside world? I had to give him an answer sometime. "I don't know why, I'm sorry."

"Look at me, Princess," he tilted my chin upwards softly to look at him, "I don't want to force you answer that question at this time, but later on, only when you are ready, I would like to know okay?" I shook my head in understanding, and he enveloped me in his warm hug.

Taking in Harrison's aroma of allspice and cinnamon, I snuggled into his hug more, smiling. I felt content around him, happy even. It was like the hole inside me that has finally been filled with content and security rather than pretended love and wanting. Harrison was my new stepping stone in life, though many would say that they wouldn't even consider him as a stepping stone. He was in the process of making a very large impact on me and my life.

"Princess, could I ask you a question?" Harrison said through my hair.

"You already did." I giggled at him. He chuckled deeply. That got me right there; his deep chuckles.

"Ha ha okay, you're so silly." I scrunched my nose at him and pinched his cheeks.

"Princess, do you love me?" I was shocked, but then again I was dying for this topic to come up between us.

"Oh look, a beautiful bird! What a marvelous creature. Don't you think so, Harrison?" Dang it, I chickened out. Great topic to change it to: birds.

"Princess, you are significantly more beautiful than that bird there, there and there, and all of the other birds put together. But I do have some things to get off of my chest."

Uh oh, I swallowed, "Uh... Okay sure?"

"Princess, I promise you it's nothing bad." Harrison held my hand and started to tell me what he was really thinking about.

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