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Zayn and Harry were holding hands as they walked into Ant's house, Zayn's eyes widening at the crowd of people and Harry flinching against the sudden blast of loud music. He was used to loud music, but it was always rock, not rap and r&b like this was. But after he recovered from the sudden blast, Harry began nodding his head along to the music.

"This music is nice," he leaned over to tell Zayn above the music.

"Yeah, it's Biggie. I'd prefer Tupac, but Ant's always been a huge Biggie fan."

Harry nodded, not even trying to act like he knew what Zayn was talking about. Just then Ant walked by and spotted them on his way to the kitchen, and walked up to them. "Z, glad you could make it bro. And you brought..." He turned his attention to Harry and furrowed his brow in concentration. "Harry, right?"

Harry nodded, smiling as he shook Ant's hand. "I don't usually listen to rap, but this is nice," he complimented about the music.

Ant smirked, asking a victorious sound towards Zayn. "Ahh, a keeper. Suck good taste in music, you should let him educate you."

"Haha," Zayn mock laughed. "You think so, but he listens to fucking Metallica, bro." When Ant gave Harry a dirty look, expressing his distaste for rock music, Zayn laughed and nodded. "Exactly, now leave him alone before he cries. He's sensitive about people's opinions."

Harry made an indignant noise, furrowing his brows. "Am not, I just prefer people to like me. And I don't cry."

Zayn patted his head soothingly, letting Harry lean into him. "Whatever you say, babe." He turned his attention back to Ant, still petting Harry's hair. "So, how's Danny? He still in school?"

Ant nodded, smiling at Zayn and Harry. "Yeah, he's doing great, haven't seen him in a few months, though. He's always so busy, mom complains a lot 'cause he never comes round anymore."

The two of them continued to talk, Harry content to listen as Zayns fingers ran through his hair. After a long while, Ant had to go to the bathroom, so he said bye to Zayn and Harry and left.

Zayn and Harry wandered around, Zayn telling stories about his childhood with Ant and Danny, stopping periodically to say hi to people he knew. Harry just listened intently, and soon they walked into a room full of people passing back and forth various types of drugs. Some guy Zayn didn't know offered them a bong and Harry accepted, slumping down onto the couch and pulling Zayn into his lap.

He took a hit, then another, scrunching his forehead at the funny taste. It was different than the usual weed he smoked, but Harry just assumed it was because this wasn't his usual before offering it to Zayn. "I don't know how," Zayn said quietly, frowning as he tried and failed to use the bong.

"Here, let me help you," Harry whispered,telling Zayn the right moment to suck in and patting him on the back when he inhaled too hard. "Careful babe, its stronger than regular weed. Can't hit it that hard."

Zayn nodded and took another hit, softer this time, and smiled at Harry's praise. "S'nice, burns a little, but I like it." Harry nodded, taking the bong and passing it on to the next person.

They sat in the room for about thirty minutes, passing multiple bongs and joints around the circle of people, none of them talking, but ll willing to share what Harry and Zayn hadn't put in on at all. Harry decided that when Zayn started giggling and trying to grope him in front of everyone, that he was high enough. "C'mon babe, you're fucking faded, no more for you."

Zayn whined as Harry took the bong that was coming his way and handed it off to the next person, standing up and setting Zayn on his feet. "Wanna smoke with you some more, Harry."

"No more, love. Maybe next time, but you're crazy high right now and it's gonna be hard for you to come back down. I don't think you wanna go back to your house any higher than you are now, yeah?"

Zayn gasped in realization, shaking his head. His attempt at serious concern was softened by the following giggle. "Mums gonna kill me, then so's your mum. And our dads, and the girls will be so upset, I'd be a terrible brother, such  a bad influence." Even though Harry knew Zayn was serious somewhere under the high, he still couldn't help but laugh as Zayn doubled over to catch his breath.

"Come on, we'll stay in a hotel for the night so neither of us gets in trouble, alright?" Zayn nods, letting Harry lead him out of Ant's house and around the streets until he found a small hotel.

He went in and sat Zayn down in a chair in the lobby while he went to the desk to check the price of a room for the night. After paying, he went to grab Zayn, furrowing his brow as Zayn seemed to be closely examining his hand.

"My hands changing colors, Harry, so weird," he mumbled, his words even more slurred than before. His eyes were blown wide, and Harry jumped when he wheezed loudly. "Can't breathe, hurts, Ha-" Zayn called, not finishing his sentence before he slumped down in the chair.

"Fuck," Harry panicked, picking up his unconscious boyfriend. Zayn was dead weight, though, and it took Harry a while to get him to their room. When he did, he laid Zayn on the bed, putting his ear to his heart to listen for a beat. The rhythm was steady and calmed Harry just a little until he thought back to what could have happened for Zayn to pass out the way he did.

Then he remembered the funny taste, how it wasn't anything close to what simple weed should taste like, seemed more potent than any sort of drug Harry had tried, and he'd tried a lot.

He was at a loss, so he called up Nick, someone who should know what it was. When he answered, Harry immediately started to describe the taste, the feel, and Zayn's reaction to the drug. "Angel Dust," Nick called off. "A lot of people lace their shit with it, that's the usual reaction for someone who isn't used to drugs. Zayn'll be fine, but be careful what you let him get into, it's hard to let go once you've had a hit. He'll be craving it when he wakes up."

Harry thanked him and hung up, cursing at himself. Of fucking course the shit would be laced, Harry knew better than to take shit from people he didn't know, but now he'd let Zayn get into it and look what he'd gotten.

He sighed, climbing into bed beside Zayn. "No more partying for you," he decided, talking as if Zayn could hear him. "Maybe me, too."


A/N: i know it's short, but i needed to update and this was all i could think of, sorry!!!

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