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Harry sat in the recliner by the window, yawning as he watched Zayn begin to wake up. He hadn't slept the entire night, not wanting to be asleep in case something happened to Zayn. When Zayn started mumbling unintelligibly, Harry smiled and stood up, walking to sit on the edge of the bed and pushing his hair from his face.

"Morning, angel, how're you feeling?" Zayns answering groan had Harry laughing, then sighing sadly as he recalled exactly how Zayn came to be in this state. "I'm sorry you're feeling so bad, I should have paid attention and not let you smoke that, especially not so much of it."

Zayn finally opened his eyes, blinking up at Harry blankly. He wanted to say something, but his brain was slow and his mouth was dry, so he was stuck just staring at his boyfriend. Which wasn't that bad, until Harry started looking sadly back down at him.

"Here, let me get you some water, yeah," he said, starting to get up, but stopping and laughing when Zayn latched onto him like a koala bear. "Fine, you can come with, though I thought you'd be happier and more comfortable in bed until I got back."

Zayn groaned his disagreement, nuzzling Harry's neck as he carried them to the refrigerator the hotel room had stocked with water.

He grabbed a bottle, then walked to the counter and perched Zayn on the wood, not unwrapping his limbs as he opened the bottle. Only when Zayn wouldn't lift his head to drink did Harry tug lightly on his hair, putting the opening of the bottle to Zayn's lips and making him take small sips. He watched as Zayn started gulping quicker, rubbing his side as he drank.

Zayn didn't take a breath until the entire bottle was gone, huffing and glad to finally not have cotton mouth. "M'head hurts, 'Arry," he groaned, making Harry nod and look down sadly. "What's wrong, babe," Zayn asked when he noticed that Harry wouldn't look at him now.

Harry shrugged, sighing when Zayn grabbed his chin and moved his head so that he'd look at him. "Last night you started acting really weird when we got here, and I was really worried. But then you passed out in the lobby and as soon as I got you up here and into bed, I called Nick to see what was going on. He said the shit we smoked was most likely laced with Angel Dust. And like, I feel like I should have known something wasn't right, it did taste funny and I was supposed to take care of you because you don't know about this stuff and I didn't and-"

Zayn cut him off with a long kiss, neither of them paying attention to the foul taste in their mouths, only to each other. "Shut up. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself. I'm glad I have you to look out for me, but I don't plan on making this an all the time thing and if I just happen to come across a few things like this, then it's a learning experience. It's not like I'm gonna get addicted."

Harry frowned at Zayn, shaking his head. "No one /plans/ on getting addicted, Zee, but it happens. And it always starts like this and I don't want you to get into this. I think you should stop. Like, partying and doing drugs, all of that." Harry looked at Zayn, cutting him off when he saw his pissed off face. "Of course I'd be stopping, too. And it'd be so much easier for you, you've just started. Please, babe?"

Zayn shook his head, crossing his arms. "Harry, you always told me I should party more, get out of my comfort zone, and now I've done just that and I'm enjoying myself and you're trying to stop me. That's not fair, all the times you've done these things, and I've worried about you, you never stopped for me, so no, I'm gonna continue to have fun and smoke occasionally. You can stop if you want, but you're gonna have to do what I've done for so long and just deal with it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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