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"Something is up. Someone better start talking right this instant," Tricia said, raising an eyebrow at Zayn and Harry. They were at a nice cafe for lunch, Tricia's treat, seated in booth. Tricia and Doniya were on one side, while Safaa and Waliyah had Zayn and Harry squished between them on the other side.

Zayn and Harry shared a look, but before either of them could say anything Tricia spoke again. "Don't you dare lie to me, either of you," she warned.

Harry laughed and reached across the table to take her hand. "Zayn and I have decided that we've both been wanting long enough and we're together now."

Safaa and Waliyah squealed happily, hugging Zayn and Harry. Tricia smiled proudly, happy for her boys. Doniya scrunched her face rudely. She glared at her mother when Tricia smacked her arm. "Stop that. Be happy for them. He's your brother, for goodness sake," she scolded, shaking her head disappointedly at her oldest child.

Doniya faked a smile, which came out more like a sneer and Tricia rolled her eyes.

"Its about time, there's been so much sexual tension between you two for the longest time," Tricia teased, making Zayn and Harry both blush. "I'm kidding, sort of. But I'm so glad you two finally decided to date, I've been waiting. I know Anne has, too. Does she know yet?"

Zayn and Harry shook their heads. "I was planning on telling her when we go there for summer break."

"Nonsense," Tricia said, shaking her head. "I invited her to come out and spend Christmas with us all. It'll be a big thing, both of our families spending the holiday season together."

Harry smiled happily, glad he'd be able to see his mom sooner than expected, and tell her about him and Zayn. They all ate and talked happily, except for Doniya who just stared blankly the whole time.


Later that night, after everyone had gone off to their rooms for the night, Zayn and Harry were laying in Zayns childhood bed talking with their eyes closed.

Or at least Harry was. Zayn, on the other hand, had taken the liberty of straddling Harry's waist and kissing down his neck. "Shut up your rambling and fuck me, please. I'm wide awake this time," he smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes, but ended up holding his hand over zayns mouth to try and keep him quiet as he rode him.


When Harry stumbled down the stairs the next morning, he found Tricia in the kitchen, smirking at him. "Hi, mum," he mumbled sleepily, choosing to ignore her smug look.

"Good morning, baby," Tricia smiled, standing up and kissing his cheek. She went to the coffee pot and made Harry a cup, the way she knew he liked. When she sat back at the table, pushing the cup to Harry, he finally took notice if her look and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Sounded like you and Zayn had a ton of fun last night, yeah?"

Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a dark red. "Oh my god," he groaned pitifully. "I tried to keep him quiet. I'm so sorry."

Tricia laughed, reaching to grab Harry's hand. "Love, its fine. You two are grown men in a relationship, its expected." When Harry finally nodded and calmed down, Tricia made him go wake up the girls and Zayn so that they could all have breakfast.


"Okay, I'm gonna leave now to get Anne and Gemma and Robin. Can you all tidy up and keep the house in order, please," Tricia asked as she put on her coat. Christmas was in two days and Anne had finally convinced Tricia to let her come early to help cook.

Everyone nodded, not moving from their spots around the living room as they watched Christmas cartoons. Tricia rolled her eyes fondly, taking a few seconds to just watch them all. Zayn and Harry were cuddled up on one end of the couch, with Safaa and Waliyah sitting in their laps, and Doniya on the other end with her feet resting in their laps.

For about an hour after Tricia left, until the cartoon ended, everyone was quiet, the only noise being the laughs they all shared.

Before a new special could come on, Harry turned off the TV and made everyone take on a separate area of the house to clean. By the time Tricia returned with Anne, Gemma, and Robin, the house was spotless and everyone was back in the same position watching another cartoon.

Anne was the first to walk through the door, making the blob of bodies disassemble so that she could hug them all, crying silently into Harry's shoulder before moving to shower Zayn in motherly kisses and then hugging and kissing the girls.

Unlike Tricia, Anne wasn't one for talking in these moments, only wanting to see the boys she's missed for the past few months, take in their appearances and notice the changes before actually saying anything. "You're both so beautiful, I've missed you so much," she sniffled, pulling Zayn and Harry in for a group hug.

For some time, the two families just sat around the house, smiling and reconnecting before they decided to go out again, not bothering to cook since Tricia and Anne would be doing so for the next few days.


"Mum," Harry smiled, sitting down across from Anne at the kitchen table. They finally had some time alone, Gemma and Doniya having went out, Zayn upstairs talking to his younger sisters until they fell asleep, Tricia out buying last minute groceries, and Robin showering in the guest bathroom.

Anne smiled at her son, grabbing his hand. "How have you not snatched Zayn up yet? That boys gorgeous and if you don't hurry, he'll be getting married to someone who took the chance you were to afraid to," she scolded lightly.

Harry shook his head, laughing. "Actually, that's what I came to tell you, mum. Zayn and I started dating a few days ago. We're together now."

Anne stood up and pulled Harry into a tight hug, a huge smile on her face. Zayn came in, and they pulled apart, only for Anne to hug him as well. "Should Tricia and I start planning the wedding now,” she asked seriously, making Zayn and Harry laugh loudly.


It was the day after Christmas and Zayn and Harry are just walking around town holding hands and playing in the snow. After about an hour, Zayn started shivering so hard he was shaking, so Harry pulled them into a small cafe that he remembered Zayn saying he worked in during high school.

"Zayn," someone said excitedly when they got inside., making both their heads snap up. Zayns face lit up as he ran behind the counter to hug the guy.

"Ant, hi. Wow, its been like, three years, man. You're still here?" Ant nodded, explaining that he'd decided at the last minute not to go to college and he and Zayn caught up as Harry just stood off to the side. Zayn seemed to remember Harry then and pulled him to his side. "Ant, this is my boyfriend Harry," Zayn said, smiling fondly as he introduced the two.

"Hey, Zee, I'm having a Christmas party at my flat tomorrow night, you guys should stop by." Zayn looked to Harry hopefully, to which Harry shrugged and nodded. Zayn smiled happily, hugging Harry in a tight ‘Thank You’ hug.

“Yeah, we’ll definitely be there, man.”


A/N: ohhhh, zayn is going to another party? how will that go? also, as usual, so for the late update. school and work are killing me. also, this was a filler, so its short, sorry

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