Day 11

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   Oh, Goadi* that was insane.

The first two days only one band of warriors appeared. We killed all of them except for one who fled back into the caves.

However, the next day a small band of Awakened with a full rainbow of hair appeared carrying white flags, Sandera went forward with me watching her back to negotiate. After a bit of negotiating Sandra turned and told me, "Tell William that there are 11 people that are going to live here!" I became a peregrine falcon and flew to the temple. William was studying star charts when I saw him but simply nodded and said, "there is room for a few thousand people to live here and at least one of them should be able to create caves.

The Awakened were a wild group and went all over the place to different houses and their leader, a pink haired Amaren man with wild pink hair that was chin length. He had wary eyes and showed us his gift for memorizing landscapes and summoning hologram type illusions that in full colour showed the entire area, he could also change the hologram at will.

I checked his scan and he had 88 kills and 2 attrition, 5608 XP, 838 days (about one and a third years) and 14 allies.

He told us that a few of his people were Farmers, Weaponeers, Aquilians, Elfes and they had one Lumeni. That was a real boon and probably saved our lives many times over. For dinner that night they ate rats and fish, but the Farmers claimed that their farms would be ready in a day.

The next day a group of 53 warriors arrived. Sandera noticed it and rand the bell three times, which my sensitive ears picked up though no one elso noticed. I at once ordered us all to defensive permissions just as the wind picked up and daggers started flying evrywhere. I became a leopard and ran at them, hen when I reached them I assumed my wolf shape and became a massive silver wolf with pink and blue stripes.

They attacked me and I held them off just long enoughfor the rest of the goup to arrive and I quickly became a perigine falcon to get to the twower to rain arrows upon our enimies. Like most awakened battles it was quick and decisive with our side losing 2 warriors, a farmer and an Evandar. We celebrated that night for in these wars you don't mourn fallen companions.

We had let one of their people escape, an Avishi, out of common courtesy. That night we ate all kinds of growable foods, bread, corn, carrots, potatoes and the like and we left 2 spots on the table, emty as a way to honour our fllen warriors.

One of the Farmers had figured out how to grow and make wine, that was actually his specefication, and we were all drunk and laughing that night. In the morning quite a few of our allies stumbled into the kitchen, tired from last night and not getting any proper rest at all.

In the next few days we gathered our resources and stocked the armoury in preperation for another attack, we also created trenches and a path along the top of the wall. We named the wall Elve wall for obvoius reasons. On the 5th day in we decided to send a small search party out to explore the area nearby to look for resources and allies, while we explored we found a mikyan, phoenix and a healer who wanted to help. We agreed and brought them back to the base.

one of the farmers with us got the briliant idea to stab me and use my blood to breed animals. Even one of my cells would help him and his fellows turn it into any living animal with quite some energy, not creepy at all. I agreed to help and he borowed on of the Healer's syringes and 2 petri dishes, the mikyan made more, then the healer took some of my blood and put it in a dish.

Today they now have a few sheep, cows, chickens, and a trained army of 34 dogs. But in the first day we only had a few cows and sheep, one of the more entrepenural one's of them took one of the rooms in the dining hall and made it a clothes store.

*Goadi is the Faction's name for God since they believe that God is non- binary in order to be impartial and just. Andrin was Non as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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