Day 1 (2)

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Let's go into background about the three unique weapons that there are here.

The most important one is the  Suwingu, the sword has a cable that you can connect it to, throw the cable, and pull yourself forward. This allows you to, in a sense, fly. With this one can travel anywhere from 20 to 60 miles an hour.

One of the oldest weapons these were designed by Andrin themself.

A network of buildings and roads winds its way throughout the land of Andrin. With most of the buildings being in ruins it's best known as the broken road. This road allows you to travel quickly throughout the planet.

The next one is the Gunsu, these are rarer now bot they can be a sword or a gun. If you don't add bullets to it and pull the trigger, then it becomes a sword. If you add bullets to the sword, it becomes a gun. Their sheath's are usually for the gun because that's more convenient but they can also be the sword's sheath.

These Gunsu are favoured by assassins for how convenient and useful they are. They are also used by the weapons faction who made them during the second civil War.

The third and final one is also the strangest. The Donin looks like a protractor except that the strait edge is a handle, and the curve is sharp and made of metal. You can hold then so that the sharp end is covering your fingers to strengthen your unarmed strikes. You can also throw them like a frisbee at someone, enchanted Donin fly back to you after you throw them.

Almost everyone at least knows how to use the Donin, the weapon is simple and powerful, they were invented in Andrin's* time but didn't earn popularity until the first civil war.

*Andrin is the Factions version of Jesus, they protected the factions and greatly increased awakened' power.

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