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It'd been a day since Y/n passed out. Niki was hanging out above deck with Ranboo when he pulled a book out of his coat.

"This is the book I stole from Y/n's desk when I first met you."

"Did you ever read it?"

"I did, I regret it however."

"Wait why? What was in it?"

"Just take a look for yourself." He handed the book over to Niki. She looked at the title.

Dangerous magic and how to use it.

"I think she was planning something. Something that's gonna change everything." Ranboo rubbed his arm as Niki flipped through the book horrified.

"Oh god...Why don't you take the book and keep it. I'm going to check in on Y/n." Niki walked under the deck and walked into Y/n's room. She felt Y/n's forehead and it was still warm. Niki looked away for a second and looked back to see Y/n wide awake.

"Oh, sorry." Niki moved her hand away. Y/n's face was flushed but Niki knew it was from the unexpected heat.

"What happened?"

"You passed out and you've been sleeping for a day."

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about the dragon thing."

"Ranboo helped you as well. He's above deck if you want to go talk to him."

"I might stay down here for a while, It's nice down here with you." Niki blushed and turned her head away. Y/n stood up quickly and turned Niki's face towards her.

"Your face is red are you okay? Are you sick?" Y/n felt Niki's forehead.

"Oh I'm fine, Don't worry about it." Y/n's hand fell from her face.

"If you say so." She sat back down and NIki sat down next to her seconds later. Niki noticed that there were dark circles under Y/n's eyes.

"Have you been sleeping at all?"

"Sleeping on water messes with my mind remember?"

"Oh yeah." There was a knock on the doorframe.

"Were nearing Manburg Y/n." Tommy said waving to Niki with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be up there in a second." Y/n looked down to the fabric of the bed.

"I miss Max..." She mumbled, her voice cracking.

"I miss him too Y/n." Niki pulled Y/n into a hug. Y/n hugged her back but pulled out of the hug after a few seconds.

"We should probably get ready for Manburg." Y/n pulled on her coat and hat and attached the sword sheath along with the sword to her belt. Y/n walked out and Niki followed behind her. Everyone was on deck, Niki saw Ranboo looking through the book again but it seemed like Y/n didn't see. She started to walk towards him and he shoved the book in his coat.

"Let's tie the boat up and then go to Dream." The boat bumped against the dock. Tubbo and Ranboo jumped off to the tie boat up. Once they were done everyone started their walk up to the castle.

"After we're done here let's go to the pub." Y/n announced to the group. "Sapnap will let us all in." The guards opened the gates. Y/n started to panic as she walked into the throne room.

"Hello Y/n." The familiar chilling voice said from the throne. Y/n bowed quickly.


"Have you gotten the mermaid yet?"

"No sir."

"Why have you not got me my mermaid Y/n."

"I'm sorry sir but their not exactly easy to find."

"I gave you everything you needed Y/n! You said you'd find one!" Dream got up from the throne and walked up to her.

"I'm sorry sir."

"Stop with the sorrys. Your job was to find a mermaid and bring it to me. It's not that fucking hard." Y/n saw that Techno was standing by the throne. She didn't answer Dream. "Answer me you stupid hybrid!" He slapped her hard across the face and she fell to the ground. The doors opened and everyone turned to see George standing there.

"Dream what are you doing? Y/N!" He ran over and knelt down next to her. "What did you do Dream?!"

"Go back to bed George you aren't well. I am simply explaining to Y/n what I require her to do."

"I won't go back to bed, I want the full explanation."

"He's trying to get me to find a mermaid to heal you George." Y/n said, wincing in pain. George gasped.

"Ugh. My dear I did not mean for you to find out like this."

"I told you I would be fine Dream! Did you not have faith in me? I'm going to tell everyone about this, Capturing a mermaid is a crime!" George practically yelled at Dream.

"I can't let you do that George." Dream snapped his fingers and everyone except Techno, Niki, and Y/n disappeared.

"What did you do to them?!" Anger started to bubble up in Y/n.

"Sent them into the dungeon. Now Y/n..." Dream snapped his fingers and Niki was tied up in ropes.

"No!" Dream picked her up by her hair and lifted her off the ground.

"You really think I haven't realized what kind of trick your pulling here." He waved his hand and the spell wore off her. Her dragon features appeared and he dropped her.

"Your a bad person Y/n."

"No I'm not."

"Your worse than me." She punched him hard in the face. Techno ran over and slammed his boot onto Dream's chest. Dream yelled and tried to move.

"You didn't tell me you were a dragon hybrid?!" Techno yelled as Y/n ran over to untie Niki.

"I'm sorry!"

Until We Meet Again Captain (Niki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now