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Y/n hung out with Katla and Draco for a while before heading back to the castle. She joined Niki, Techno, and a Ranboo in the library.

"Hey guys! Sorry I went to talk with some old friends." She flew over and sat down next to Niki.

"It's so nice here!" Niki said with a warm smile. Y/n blushed at her smile but nodded.

"I'm glad your enjoying it here. It's wonderful to be home." She stretched her wings and waved her hand. The library curtains flew open, golden light bouncing off every surface. Niki looked beautiful, the light bouncing off the small pink freckles on her face and her poofy pink hair.

"Ugh, anyway what were you guys talking about?"

"Ranboo was just telling us about something Y/n." Techno crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"What was he telling you about?" She asked nervously. Ranboo pushed a book right in front of her.

"Care to explain?" Ranboo said with a shrug.

"Uhm..." Niki looked at her. Y/n looked down at the floor.

"I wasn't reading the book for the reason you probably thought I was. I wanted to speed up the process of learning magic Incase something bad happened. I guess I didn't learn quick enough cause Dream got us but whatever."

"That book has a lot of dangerous things in it. Just be careful okay?" Techno pat her on the shoulder and walked off.

"I'm gonna go visit the hatchlings and talk with Mom a bit." Ranboo walked off leaving Niki and Y/n alone.

"Uhm, I know a really nice flower field...Do you want to go there?" Y/n asked rubbing the back of her neck. Niki gasped and her eyes lit up.

"Of course!!" Y/n smiled softly, grabbed onto Niki's hand, and lead her out of the building. They walked to the flower field holding hands, neither one of them wanted to let go.

On the way there Y/n saw a kid that looked exactly like Max but with wings and froze. Niki turned back and gasped.

"Y/n it's not him."

"Why are you crying Mom?"

Tears threatened to fall as Niki pulled her away and into a hug. Y/n started to cry and hugged Niki back tightly.

"It's okay Y/n..." Niki lead her away from the kid and their parents. She sat down on some grass and patted the ground. Y/n wiped her face and sat down next to Niki. She leaned on Niki, Niki blushing in return.

"I'm really sorry Y/n."

"It wasn't your fault Niki, I should've brought him to sleep in my room instead of wherever he slept." Niki put her hands on either side of Y/n's face and pulled it up so they were making eye contact.

"It was no where near your fault. You could've done nothing to stop what had already happened." Y/n's face turned red slowly and she nodded.

"Why's your face red? Are you cold?" Niki rubbed a finger over Y/n's face, causing her to blush even more, the tips of her ears turning red.

"No...I'm okay. It's always warm here." Y/n's Eyes darted down to Niki's lips and she looked away quickly. Y/n put her hands over Niki's and took them off her face.

"Is something wrong?"

"Do mermaid know about...Like romantic things?"

"Oh! Well they taught us about a few human things, like kissing, and other things...But we Mermaids have ways of showing affection!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! Let me show you!" Niki leaned forward and touched her forehead to Y/n's.

"That's how mermaid's show friendly affection to others, there's another way to show romantic affection. Would you like me to show you?"

"Oh uh sure?" Niki leaned forward and touched her nose to Y/n's. Y/n blushed and smiled.

"That's how mermaid show friendly affection, not much kissing going on underwater." The two laughed softly.

"Have you ever kissed anyone Niki?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for my special someone."

"Ah I see."

"What about you? Have you ever kissed anyone?" Y/n's mood immediately darkened.

"Oh god I'm sorry, When you passed out in the boat I saw the scars on your arms and I asked Ranboo about it and he said it was some shitty ex of yours I totally forgot I'm so sorry!!" Niki let out in one breath.

"It's okay Niki. I can tell you about her if you want."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, What was she like?"

"Well she was one of the prettiest dragons I'd ever met. She had beautiful purple wings and long purple hair. She was stunning. Every man in the village had tried to get with her at least once, out of everyone she chose me to be allowed to date her. I never told anyone this but she had a kid while we were together."

"Wait how does that work?"

"Sometimes if two people of the same sex or two people who don't want wanna ya know, thingy, can preform spells on themselves or have their partners preform the spell on themselves. She preformed the spell on herself without telling me so when she told she was pregnant, I was so happy. But halfway through the pregnancy I broke up with her and she attacked me. Me and Ranboo left to explore the world after that."

"Oh Y/n I'm so sorry."

"I'm not even sure if she still lives here. I was gone for too long." Y/n picked a pink flower and put it behind Niki's ears.

"Why don't we head back to the castle." Y/n said with a smile. She helped Niki up and they walked back to the castle together. They walked into the dining hall to see a person with purple dragon wings and purple hair standing there talking to Y/n's mother.

"Y/n! Lovely to see you again!"

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