why darling

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SH WARNING requested by @ZoeHP4life here you go.

guys if you ever feel alone or something and want to cut/kill yourself just talk to someone that can be someone you know really good but you also can talk to me always I promise<3333.

you were the girlfriend of the potions master for 4 years now (you're now 17). it was a beautiful day and you wore a T-shirt.


 it was morning and he was already awake. you walked to the living room and here he sat with breakfast for you. ''hey angel come here and eat your breakfast'' he said and patted his lap.''goodmorning love how are you'' you said and began to eat.''good and you?'' he said and kissed your head.''pretty good thanks'' you said smiling. 

he began to rub your back and you felt a stinging pain. he noticed and wanted to lift op you T-shirt but you wouldn't let him.''darling I saw it hurts here please let me look'' he said with sad eyes. you didn't want to hurt him so you just let him.

he saw that you had self harmed yourself and gasped.''darling why?'' he said with tears in his eyes.''its just I don't know if anyone even wants me here maybe its just better to die'' you said and started to cry.

''darling I want you here I need you please'' he said and his tears came out his eyes.''arn't you mad?'' you asked a little scared.''of course not baby come on let me heal you'' he said and took you to the bathroom.

he cleaned your scars and puts some healing potions on them.''sev? how do you know how to take care of these?'' you said and looke at him.''my father did the same with me and I did it too and eventually I learned to take care of them'' he said and looked down ashamed.''sev please look at me you don't have to be ashamed we will get trough this together. promise?'' you said and  kissed him softly.''promise'' he said and hugged you.

a couple weeks later he asked of you were clean and said yes so he asked to let him see it.''FINE I DIDN'T STOP OKAY YELL AT ME OR SOMETHING AND GO'' you said dne with everything.''darling Im not mad its okay come here'' he said and held his arms wide so you can come in. you broke down and holds you.''its okay Im here don't be sorry we will get there.''thanks sev I will try my best to stay clean'' you said and smiled softly he smiled back and helped you.

after this you didn't do it anymore and severus aways will check if you're okay.


SWEEEEEEEET I love him so much but anyways the fourth chapter already I hope you enjoyed it and leave requests in the comments pls byeeeee<33333333333333333.

(sorry if the stories are to short)

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