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You were the assistant and his wife he was still busy with work while you sat in his chamber. You got bored and decided to go and help him.


You sat sat in his chambers but got bored so walked to him. ''Severus can I please help I'm bored?'' you asked him sweetly.''No Y/N you can't you already helped me enough today go to my chambers I will be there as soon as possible'' he said because he knows he much you did already today.

''You didn't want to so you sat on his lap. ''Y/N go I'm busy I will be there in about 30 minutes.'' he said getting annoyed.''No Severus I'm bored and want to be with you I don't want to be alone in your chambers'' you said stubborn.''I don't care go away'' he said pushing you off. You fell with your head on the floor and began to tear up,but he didn't even notice so you ran to you own chambers.

How could he say that to me? he always says he loves it when I'm there. Is he lying about that? I only wanted to help or just sit there to give him some company i didn't want to annoy him. you thouht when you started to cry in your chambers and eventually you fell asleep.

time skip

The next morning at breakfast you sat far away from him and didn't even look at him. he wondered if he did anything wrong, but didn't know.

You helped him with his classes but didn't talk to him.''Y/N you........'''he began but you were already gone without saying anything to him.

Sev's pov:

What did I do wrong? she's ignoring me all day and I don't know why.Did I do something wrong when I sended her away yesterday? I didn't right? I thought the whole day and wanted to talk to her but she kept walking away from me.

At lunch and dinner she sat far away from me and didn't even look at me. After dinner I walked to her chambers but she wasn't there.I got worried and start thinking where she coukd be while pacing around her chambers.

Y/N's pov:

After dinner you went to the chambers of the assistant from professor Mcgonagall because she is your best friend. You knocked on the door and she opened sweetly.''Hey Y/N what are you doing here?'' she asked confused.''Yesterday I wanted to help Severus with his work because I was bored, but he didn't want that so he wanted to send me back to his chambers,I said no and sat on his lap, bur he pushed me off. He hurted me but didn't notice so I ran away to my chambers and I'm now ignoring him. I don't want to go to my or his chambers because he will obviously be worried about me and searching me'' you said a bit angry.''It's okay girl just calm down just go to your chambers he probably won't be there'' she said calm. you nodded and headed to your chambers.

When you walked in you saw Severus pacing your chambers. When he saw you he immediatly ran towards you and hugged you, but you pushed him away.''Go away Severus'' you said angry while pointing your finge to the door

''No Y/N I'm not leaving 'till you say what is wrong'' he said sitting down on the couch.''Fine, yesterday you pushed me off your lap causing me to fall on the ground. OK now you know it get out I'm sleeping here tonight and you in your own chambers'' you said stern.''NO!'' he shouted and picked you up.

''SEVERUS PUT ME DOWN'' you shouted looking like a tomato.''No you're sleeping with me tonight that is it'' he said while rushing to his chambers. When you were in his chambers he changed both of you in your pajamas.When he was done he layed you both in his bed and hugged you thight.

''I'm sorry darling for yesterday but you're not leaving these chambers''he said while kissing your head.You didn't like it at all but you decided to fall asleep sice you were not able to move out of his grip.

The next morning when you both were awake he smiled at you.''Stay her little one I'm going to make breakfast'' he said while walking to the kitchen. You took your chance and chanched in your normal clothes. You rushed to the door and slammed it shut while rushing to your chambers.

When you were in your chambers you broke down crying because he forced you to sleep in his chambers while you were still mas and needed some time for you alone.After some time you heard a knock.''Y/N OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW'' he shouted while bonking on the door.''NO I NEED SOME TIME FOR ME ALONE PLEASE JUST GO AWAY'' you shouted back. He started crying because he never ment to hurt you.

''Darling please forgive me I'm sorry I really am'' he said crying.''I can't Severus I'm sorry just give me time alright?'' you asked soft.He didn't respond and walked away ashamed.

In the afternoon you came out of you chambers only to see al students running to the atronomy tower. You wondered what was going on and followed the students.When you finally got there you saw Severus standing on the railing ready to jump.

''SEVERUS COME DOWN THIS INSTANT'' you shouted in disbelief.He shook his head''NO I HURTED YOU AND YOU WON'T FORGIVE ME IT'S ALL MY FAULT'' he shouted back in tears.You can't live without him so you walked towards the railing and stand beside him.

''wh-what are you doing get down from there'' he said looking confused at you.''If you go I'm going with you I can't live without you'' you said back proving him you love him.He sighed and got down taking you in his arms.''Can we talk about what happened please?'' he asked looking down. you nodded and took him to his chambers.

When you got there he sat you down on the couchand he sat beside you.''To begin I'm very sorry about what happened two days ago and second I didn't have the wright to force you to sleep here'' he said.''Thanks for the apology I really appreciate it'' you said smiling at him.

''You are free to go if you want'' he said still not looking at you.''Are you crazy?! you just proved you are sorry by almost killing yourself. Oh yeah one thing.DON'T EVER TRY THAT AGAIN BECAUSE IF YOU DIE I'M GOING TO DIE TOO YOU IDIOT'' you shouted at him making a statement.

''I'm sorry darling come on we're going to bed.''He said picking you and laying you down on the bed.''Goodnight Sev'' you said sleepy.'''Good night little one'' he said kissing your head. He kisses your head till you fall asleep.


okay so my testweek is over and my vacation started so I think I'm gonna post more but don't know it yet.I hope you like it and give some ideas if you want byeeeee<3<3<3.

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