CHAPTER 3: I want to see you

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About 4 hours go by. The day is filled with control experiments and placing samples into test tubes. Hange has you working in the lab most of the day, but you manage to sneak in a break. You visit Jean, but he's not at his desk.
"Aww I kinda wanted to see him.. Oh well, I guess I'll leave these here," you think to yourself as you place a nicely packaged bag of cookies on his desk along with his jacket that he forgot at your place. You look for Sasha and spot her munching on some pizza.
"Hey Sasha! These are for you!" You say as you hand her the other bag of cookies.
"OH MY GOD AHHH I LOVE YOU!!! THIS MADE MY DAY!! NO! MY ENTIRE WEEK!!! Want a slice of my pizza?" Sasha squeals in excitement.
"That's ok! I have to head back to the lab! Have you seen Jean?" You ask nervously.
"Last I saw him, he was with Mikasa, he's probably really busy in the design room!" She answers.
"Oh ok, well thanks anyways! I'll see you later!" You say as you head back to Hange's lab.
"Aw man, what if he's just being nice to me? What if he has a thing for Mikasa? I wouldn't blame him, she's literally the most beautiful person I've ever met..." thoughts like this invade your mind for the remainder of the day.

You look at your last task before heading out for the day. The sheet states, "Grab tissue and spinal fluid samples from Test Subject: Eren Jaeger."
"Oh fuck fuck fuck! Ugh I hate that guy! Whatever, I'll just get it done quick." You overthink as you make your way towards Eren's office. You knock on the door, but there's no answer. You knock again and push the door open. Eren is hardcore making out with some red head. He makes direct eye contact with you and continues to kiss her harder as she sits on his lap.
"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow Eren for a moment," you ask confidently.
"Can't you see we're busy?" Eren snarkily remarks.
"When will you be finished?" You patiently ask.
"I'll let you know sweetheart. For now get the fuck out of my office." He says.
"Fine, I'll be waiting..." you say as you close his door and take a seat outside.
"That fucking prick is so annoying. At this point I feel nothing for him. I don't know how kind people like Armin and Mikasa put up with his disgusting attitude!?" You think to yourself while waiting.
A few minutes go by and the girl making out with Eren stumbles out of the room staring you down and rolls her eyes as she struts off. You get up and enter Eren's office once again.

"Are you free now?" You ask in a stern voice.
"God, you're like a fucking roach, you get one taste and you keep coming back for more," he says with a grin.
"You're actual garbage! I wouldn't want a taste even if I was starving to death!" You yell.
"I bet you were jealous of that girl, she's ten times hotter than you anyways," he claims.
Your insecurities start to get the best of you, but you bravely clear your throat and yell, "I don't really give a shit about what or who you do in your free time! Come with me to the lab right now, so I can fucking go home!"
To your surprise, Eren gets up and follows you towards the lab. He doesn't mutter a single word and neither do you. You wash your hands and put on some latex gloves. Eren takes a seat and you pull his shirt up and over his head.

Although everything he does is beyond infuriating, you can see why girls fawn over him. He has chiseled abs that seem to go on for miles. His teal-green eyes beam like emerald gems, but seem to be filled with immense sorrow. His broad shoulders make him look so strong, but his eyes give away the fact that he looks tired and hopeless.

You begin to poke and prod him with a needle in the areas Hange asked for samples from. You notice a tattoo on his chest near his heart. It's a small intricate drawing of a bird escaping from a cage. As you take more samples you notice another tattoo of a key, a conch shell and a scarf all on his left arm and a spine shaped tattoo wrapping around his right arm. You move towards his back to take your last sample for the day. You notice a detailed tattoo he has on his back of a bird with massive wings. It's absolutely breathtaking. The wings are astounding and each feather is shaded with the perfect gradient. You finish collecting the tissue and place the test tube samples in a container for tomorrow's experiment. You hand Eren his shirt back and he gets up to leave. Before he walks out, you say, "I don't think what you're doing is fair... Armin and Mikasa care about you, whether you cut them off or not they'll always love you. Isn't it better for them to make the most out of the time they have left with you?"
Eren doesn't turn around. "It's not that easy. Don't poke your nose in places it doesn't belong," he says in an angry manner.
You refuse to give up on him and say, "What if we find a cure?"
Visibly frustrated, he turns around with solemn eyes and says, "What if... you don't..."
He hesitates for only a mere second and leaves the room. Tired and exhausted from your busy day, you throw away your gloves, wash your hands and head out as well. You get home, take a quick shower, and change into your favorite pajamas (they're light purple with cats all over them).


You check your phone and see a message from Jean.

"Thanks for the cookies, holy crap they're delicious! I'm going to be needing more"

"I'll make you more, but what will I be getting in return?"

"I guess you'll find out tomorrow ;)"

"See you tomorrow then! Good night :)"
"Good night :)"

Your heart feels like it's going to explode anytime you have a conversation with Jean. You've definitely fallen for him hard, but you don't want to create drama at work. Everyone is so close and if things don't work out, everything would get so awkward. Doubt creeps into your mind as your confidence in Jean's feelings for you decrease. Trying to get your mind off of Jean, you go through your entire closet packing the cutest outfits for the retreat and head to bed.

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