(05) Lady of the Lake

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Alice stood up and looked around; thankfully their eyes didn't take long to adjust to the dark cave the small group was now standing in. Yes, they'd been a small lizard in Douxie's pocket for quite a few hours now, but that didn't mean they hadn't been paying attention.

'I'd say we've arrived.' Douxie said, lighting the cave up with his bracelet.

'Yeah, but where's Merlin?' Claire asked. Besides Claire, Steve screamed, and the other's turned to see what he'd been so frightened of. It was the half of Excalibur that had been broken in half by Morgana. A mist had also suddenly formed on top of the still water.

'Uh, he can handle himself. Let's just stick to the plan and find the lady, Douxie said, although now he was sounding less confident. He then jumped onto the remains of Merlin's boat and pulled the sword from the wood. 'And then everything will be fine.'

Unexpectedly the piece of wood began to move forward into the spooky mist. Alice, Douxie, Claire began to look around, trying to see through the dark. Suddenly a piercing blue light entered their vision and a glowing woman appeared.

'I am the Lady, Nimue. Eldest of Oracles. Why do you seek me?' The Lady asked.

'Okay, everyone. Be nice to the goddess. I'll sort this' Douxie said, clearing his throat. 'Oh, mighty lake lady, we are here to request your aid.'

'And we're missing an old wizard, if you've seen one.' Archie quizzed, from his perch on Steve's shoulder.

'I can give you what you ask.' Nimue replied. Douxie turned back to the small group with a thumbs up and a smile. Alice couldn't help but smile to; it was nice to see that someone was having a good time.

'Only you can help us on our quest to fix Excalibur and save Camelot.' Douxie said. The Lady moved loser and Douxie chuckled nervously.

'That is not what you truly desire.' The Lady said, inches from Douxie's face. 'You seek redemption from a scorned mentor,' She then moved around to the other members of the group. 'Escape from guilt, validation of knighthood, connection to those around you and knowledge of you roots.' Alice shivered, the legends had been right when they said that Nimue could see into your soul.

'You are not the first to try and deceive me, you are not worthy!' Nimue screamed. Around the sides of the boat the water began to bubble and an eye appeared. Clearly the lady of the lake wasn't what she seemed. 'You seek, you take, and all receive their final reward.' Alice steeled themselves for a fight, lighting their hands with golden flame. One could only hope that they wouldn't get too wet.


'Such puny creatures make tasty meals!' Nimue yelled. Archie and Alice then flew up into the air, to avoid her tentacles, setting her alight.

'I hate to say it, but I think we should have stayed on the ship!' Archie yelled as Alice landed on the deck with a thunk. Archie then shot the wood backwards with his fire moments later.

'We need to subdue her, so she'll fix Excalibur.' Douxie cried.

'We need to get Steve out of that seaside freak show.' Claire rebuffed. Together, Douxie and Alice fired bolts of their lightning at Nimue. However this only made her roar and no actual damage was done. Again Alice sank down onto the wooden boards once again; this fight and the worrying about their death had taken a lot out of them.

'You have been a very bad lake lady.' Douxie cursed, creating a huge ball of blue light and using it to push Nimue backwards. Steve and Merlin were then expelled from inside of her.

'My revenge tasted so sweet.' Nimue said, forlorn.

'Wait revenge? What revenge?' Douxie questioned.

'You attacked us, lady!' Claire yelled.

'Long ago I gave him the b;ade and he imprisoned me here in this cave without hope.' Nimue continued.

'Wait. Merlin trapped you here?' Douxie asked, looking down at the blade he held. Now he wasn't so sure what to do with it.

'Now my prison will be his tomb.'

'Take her down, man! Or we're all going to get dead!' Steve cried.

'But then who will repair Excalibur, Douxie?'

'What do we do, Douxie?' Claire asked.

In reply Douxie tossed the sword up in the air, and then (once it came down) enchanting it with his magic. He then threw it past Nimue, where it hit the edge of the cave where it broke the rocks.

'Wait, you let the tentacle lady bounce?' Steve said.

'And destroyed Excalibur?' Archie asked.

Nimue looked properly at Douxie then. 'What are you waiting for? Just go!' Douxie said. He then turned and hung his head in shame. I may not know how to fix this, but I do know that you shouldn't be stuck in here.'

'You are...different.' Nimue replied. 'You are kind.' A light then lit up the corner of Douxie's vision; so he turned. It was the completed sword, with no cracks in sight. 'The gift must be repaid. The sword was meant for those worthy. Do good with it.'

Douxie took the sword from where it had been floating and held it aloft.

'I shall return it to its rightful place. Thank you scary monster lady.'

Behind the small group Merlin stood up, coughing. 'Hisirdoux what have you done?' He then paused, shocked. If only Alice had a camera; this moment didn't happen very often. 'Um...oh. Is that Excalibur?'

'I've re-secured Camelot's stability just as you'd planned.' Douxie said, offering the sword to Merlin.

'We must return to Camelot, where we will discuss your blunders later.' Merlin said.

'Nice work, teach.' Claire congratulated. Alice then stood up and took Douxie's hand -- it was a small gesture, but Douxie knew what it meant. Everything was going to be okay; they were now on the right track, after all.

If only they knew what else was out there waiting for them. Then they might not have hand that thought.


Uh, I knocked this out in, like an hour, so I haven't proof read it. Also, I'm sorry for (next to none) Alice content; but I will say that you'll be getting a lot more next chapter! It's their backstory time! 👀

30th March 2022

30th March 2022

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