(02) Spellbound

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The door to the bookstore opened with the clang of a small bell. It seemed that Douxie was back, and he had apparently managed to find some friends -- although probably not the ones Merlin had wanted.

(At least that was the assumption they had made based on the amount of noise they seemed to be making.)

They tossed the book onto the box Merlin was making float (he'd entered the room while they were reading presumably) and turned to look over the balcony railing, shifting into their human form (tall and feminine with gingery hair and brown eyes) as they did so. They didn't want to freak out any unsuspecting humans, after all.

They could see that Toby was holding the small version of Merlin's ship in his hands (he must have caught it out of the air).

Merlin would not be happy about that.

'Put that down!'

(Merlin was indeed not happy about Toby possessing the ship, as his voice came out his mouth in an annoyed tone.)

Surprised Toby almost dropped the ship and Steve screamed. Douxie, however, waved at Merlin with a smile on his face. Alice waved back, as Merlin seemed far too focused on the task at hand to conform to pleasantries.

It was very good to see Douxie; two months was far too much time to spend away from your (literal) soul-mate.

'Thank the ether you're here! We haven't a moment to waste!' Merlin said.

'Woah, crusty creepy dude.' This comment came from Steve (because of course it did.) Alice pressed a hand to their mouth, managing to stop a laugh from slipping out.

'Though I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux.' Merlin berated.

Douxie looks down and rubs at his arms; looking sheepish.

'I tried! I couldn't find the changelings, or the aliens. I'm pretty sure that most left the planet.' Douxie said.

Merlin was halfway down the stairs (with Alice behind him) when Toby began to try and badger him.

'Merlin! It's me, Toby Domzalski! You know, Warhammer, defender of Arcadia, Geology club president!' Toby exclaimed.

'No-one could forget you, Chatty.' Merlin sighed.

'And Steve Palchuk. Creepslayer.' Steve said.

Steve, who was clearly trying to impress Merlin, kicked his legs in the air and flailed his arms wildly, only to be dismissed by Merlin and hit in the head with one of the boxes.

Alice sighed, summoned the feathers on their wings, and jumped off the railing. They landed next to Douxie who pressed their hand to his mouth and kissed it.

'I've missed you.' Douxie said, affectionatley.

'And I you, Doux. Two months is too long.' Alice replied.

'Wait, where's Jimbo and Claire. I thought they were with you.' Toby sounded confused, and a little hurt at being ignored.

Instead of answering his question Merlin brushed past Toby and began to bark orders at Douxie. Douxie dragged Alice along behind him as he tried to reason with Merlin.

'Answers forthcoming! Make preparations! We've a journey ahead! And don't....' Merlin ordered.

'But master-' Douxie stuttered.

Alice shook their head and smiled.

Don't ever change, Douxie.

'-But master me.' Merlin said.

Now, is Merlin going to tell the rest of them what they're here for or not?

'Are you sure you want to count on these children? They're clearly not ready for this.' Douxie countered.

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