03 | An Opportunity, Part 1 (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

I had another dirty dream about my stepfather last night.

It was scarily vivid and highly inappropriate. I wish I could have forgotten it immediately after waking up this morning, which is what usually happens with most of my dreams. Instead, this one stayed with me. Taunted me. I could barely look at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth because of how much shame I felt.

I fully acknowledge that I'm a sick individual for wanting to fuck my mother's new husband. And if I don't move out of here soon, I'm afraid that might eventually happen.

"Bella, darling?" Mom reaches across the kitchen table and snaps her fingers in front of my face. I look up from my half-eaten bowl of cereal to meet her concerned blue eyes. "Kaden asked you a question. Aren't you going to answer him?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry." I casually resume stirring the soggy cereal, trying to appear unbothered by Kaden's overt staring. "I'm settling in just fine," I answer his question, proving that I've been half-paying attention. "Anyway, Mom. I need a favor. Think I can borrow your car this afternoon?"

"For?" she asks.

"Shopping. I have a job interview on Friday, and I have nothing to wear because all my best clothes got destroyed in the fire." I pause when she gives me a hesitant look. "I promise I'll be careful in your car. If mine wasn't still in the shop, I wouldn't even be asking for yours."

"The shop?" Kaden interjects. "What happened to your car, Bella?"

"I was on the way home from a friend's house one night when I got surprised by a deer," I answer without looking at him. "My car got totaled, but I walked away unscathed."

"Only by the grace of God," Mom adds with an exaggerated sigh. "Second to her calling me about her apartment being on fire, that night will be one I'll never forget."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Bella. It must have been a terrifying ordeal." Kaden reaches over to touch my free hand, placing his large palm over mine. I finally look his way, immediately getting lost in his dreamy green eyes. "I'm glad you made it out safely."

"I-It was a while ago, but thanks." I grip the spoon tightly with my other hand, doing whatever to keep from reaching after Kaden when he pulls away. He breaks eye contact first, releasing me from the trance I'd fallen in. "So, Mom..." I clear my throat and push my cereal bowl away from me, no longer having an appetite. "Can I use your car or what?"

"Bella, you know I work crazy hours during the week. I'll be needing the car for the rest of the day. But Kaden has today off and I'm sure he won't mind playing chauffeur for his stepdaughter." Mom flashes Kaden a bright smile. The same one she used on my father to make him cave to her wild requests. "Right, honey?"

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