05 | Her Breaking Point (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

I nearly gave myself over to Kaden last night.

When I went downstairs for a drink, I didn't know I would find him sitting alone in the kitchen wearing nothing but his underwear. I'd been ignoring him for days and suddenly could no longer resist the urge to piss him off. I quickly realized I went too far, given how he handled me. The way that he effortlessly put me in my place was embarrassing and kind of a turn on. I would have followed him upstairs and pounced on him had my legs not turned to jello.

"This font is hard to read," I grumble while scanning the menu of the fancy restaurant Kaden dragged me and my mother to tonight. He's going all out because we're meeting his parents. "Is there a hamburger and fries option? If so, I'll have that."

"You're so American." Mom laughs when I push my menu off to the side. "Goodness, I'm so nervous!" She turns to Kaden and squeals. "I hope your parents like us."

"I'm positive they'll come to adore you and Bella just as much as I do." Kaden smiles.

I roll my eyes when he kisses my mother on the cheek. The server keeps me from walking out by returning quickly with our food. We went ahead and ordered after Kaden's parents phoned him a few minutes ago to let him know they would be running late. I start on my fries and resume staring at the hot guy sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant.

Kaden lasts approximately fifteen minutes before needing to take a swipe at me.

"Why don't you take a picture?" he says after my mother leaves to use the restroom. "It'll last longer."

"Excuse me?"

Kaden nods toward where my attention had been. "That guy you've been staring at. If you want him, why not go over there to talk to him? No need to eye fuck him from afar."

"Bet you wouldn't have said that had my mother still been here."

"You're right. I wouldn't have."

"Asshole," I mutter. "I'll do it when I feel like it, so fuck off."

"You're even sexier when you curse." Kaden smirks, boldly undressing me with his wicked green eyes. "Nice outfit, by the way."

I have on a full face of makeup and am wearing one of the new dresses that I bought from the mall, courtesy of Kaden's credit card. The dress is simple and snatches me up in all the right places. The minor slit in the front has captured Kaden's attention, and I'm glad I decided to wear a pushup bra tonight. All the better to tease him with.

"A picture will last longer, remember?" I tell him.

"Do you get a kick out of being a smartass?" He retorts, playfully.

"Only when you're on the receiving end." I wink at him before my mother returns.

Shortly after that, a well-dressed couple enters the restaurant and makes their way towards us. When Kaden stands, I know they're his parents. We all exchange kisses and hugs after they reach the table.

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