00 | Prologue

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Amabella's POV

"We shouldn't be doing this..."

Those are the words that leave my mouth, but my body begs to differ. I cling to Kaden as if my life depends on it. I love and hate how much power he has over me. I'm like putty in his hands, easy for him to mold into whatever and whoever he wants—a good girl, a bad girl, his dirty girl. I've tried so many times to ignore the invisible pull that is relentless on bringing us together. I've tried and failed. I cannot refuse him; I can only succumb and enjoy the ride.

"We shouldn't be doing this in the hallway, Kaden. What if my mother catches us? What if—"

"Worry less about your mother and more about how you'd like for me to fuck you tonight," Kaden replies, nipping at my shoulder. "Is that understood—yes or no?"

I nod, biting back a smile. "Yes."

I know I give in way too easily, but I just can't help myself. His touch drives me insane, and his kisses take my breath away. Right now, he has me pinned against the wall in the hallway, my back to his front while he whispers filthy things in my ear. Kaden is such a strong man, so dominant, and passionate about everything he does. He's persistent, too. He has no problem going after the things he wants, and in my case, who he wants.

Me, the forbidden fruit—his stepdaughter.

"You know what to call me when we're alone and it isn't Kaden," he chuckles darkly, spinning me around and lifting me up. "Need I remind you of our rules, sweet Bella?"

"Yes. I think I'd like that very much." I play along, wrapping my arms and legs around his muscular frame as he carries me into my bedroom. A place that knows him well because he's in there almost every other night, unbeknownst to my clueless mother. "Go on then. What's rule number one?"

"No locked doors while I'm home. I need to be able to reach you at all times." Kaden places me down on my bed and then pushes my dress up to my stomach, exposing my lower half. He smiles big in approval. "Rule number two: always go commando unless it's that time of the month." Kaden positions himself between my thighs. I shudder at the feel of his warm breath hitting my bare pussy. "Rule number three... What are you to do for me, baby girl?"

"Open wide." I part my legs and arch my back, moaning loudly as he licks me, working me over good with his skilled mouth and tongue. I quickly begin to lose myself and sink a hand down my body to grip his hair roughly, letting him know just how well he's doing without actually saying the words.

Moments like this are when I feel as if Kaden knows my body better than I do. It's been mine for the last twenty-three years, but I've never been able to pleasure myself like this. Whether I'm using toys or only my fingers, I've never been able to cum multiple times in a night. I've never been able to climax hard enough to have my entire body shaking. I've never been able to swim in the lake of ecstasy or float on cloud nine... not until I met Kaden Matthews.

Her New Daddy | Book 1 (Sample, Complete)Where stories live. Discover now