Impulsive buy

678 33 8

Uh, this is very unrealistic. Have fun!😖🎉 Also, money in the lower district has a huge difference than in the higher ones. $1200 is extremely pricey for the lower district since nobody has much money. The higher districts prices have a huge (and larger) difference in expense, so lower district people steer clear.


Wife Haver: guys pack our shit we're moving

Ranboo: We got kicked out again?

Tubbo: At least we set a 2-year record this time

Wife Haver: Nah I just found somewhere cheaper

Tubbo: Our rent is only around 1k a month and everywhere else is higher

Tubbo: How did you find somewhere cheaper?????

Wife Haver: let's just say we're gonna be living in a better place


Wife Haver: I said living in a better place

Wife Haver: I don't know who you think I am, but even if I worked 25/7 for 4 years I still wouldn't be able to afford that

Wife Haver: The address is XXXX-XXXXX-XX NW

Wife Haver: Pack my stuff too please :))))

Ranboo: Isn't that around the abandoned cursed building near your job

Wife Haver: For being abandoned and cursed it was cheap and well taken care of

Ranboo: Don't tell me you bought the whole fucking building

Wife Haver: cya there :)))))))))

Tubbo: HOW MUCH MONEY WAS IT???? It's a 12 storied building for god's sake, how are we even gonna pay taxes/rent for it??

Wife Haver: Taxes are like $600 a month

Tubbo: For that big ass building? You know what- that's cheap as fuck... there has to be some kind of twist

Wife Haver: Nah man, we're all clear. Anyways, bring my shit pussy boy

Tubbo: You didn't even tell us you were doing this, I don't know how you even got the money or time for this but... This better be worth the money.


Tommy saw the price and bought it impulsively. It's not like he really wanted to spend money, especially since he had to give his rent to his landlord as soon as he got back, but it was much cheaper and way better of a deal. Besides~ his landlord cant charge him extra for being loud now. For how large the building was, it was so much cheaper than their one-bedroom apartment. That was a massive deal if he'd ever seen one.

Now, the real reason it was so cheap was because villains and vigilantes are often spotted in the area, it became pretty rural around this part of the district so everything was rather cheap. The cafe he worked at was a complete exception though. Over the years Tommy learned how to bake pretty sufficiently, and was well known amongst the members of the lower districts. It wasn't hard for him to find a baking job, anyone would be overly excited to hire him, though they most likely wouldn't realize it's a terrible idea to put him on the register, but that's their problem.

He had toured around the building, it was pretty nice. Apparently, it used to be the top hero dreams agency, but that was before he got popular. Everything worked well and it looked good as new. He already decided where his room would be. It looked really comfy. Everything was already set up with a big kitchen and bathroom. There was also a giant living room on one of the basement floors. The people who worked here before were living in luxury.

There was a room above the living room filled with cubicles that had amazing computers. You would think they'd take that with them, but no. He took a look at one of them and it had the potential of a NASA computer. Like, 800 terabytes? That's crazy. It surprised him stuff like that exists, but then again before Warden became a villain, he was in charge of all the tech. Warden was one of the few heroes he actually liked. For some reason, all of the heroes he had rooted for became villains though. That must mean something, either about himself or the fucked up government system.

Tommy took the elevator back up to the lobby. The doors opened to Tubbo and Ranboo holding three suitcases and a few bags. "I informed our landlord and gave him our savings since somebody decided to spend all the rent money at once" Tubbo announced with an annoyed tone. Tommy scratched his head. "Yeah, haha. Sorry about that one big T. Anyways, take a look around and choose a nice place for a room. They're on the fourth floor. I'll take my bags since I've already chosen mine."

Ranboo handed him his suitcase and tubbo gave him two bags. All three walked into the elevator. When they got up to the fourth floor, Tommy ran for the room all the way at the end. He placed his stuff down and got to unpacking. They left everything fully furnished and clean before they left, so there was no need to buy a bed, closet, mattress or dresser. The only thing needed were sheets and blankets, but that can be easily covered. He chose the room that was lavished in red, white, black, and gold. The carpet was red, wooden flooring was a tad brownish-red. That still counts, right? the walls were painted black, and the interior was gold and white. There was also a red gaming set-up. It honestly looked like he was rich, and he was completely living for it.

After putting his stuff away, he came out to check on the other two. He walked into the one Tubbo had chosen, it had nicely painted pastel turquoise walls, the carpet more on the green side. There was a large bed, a gaming set-up, a closet, and a dresser. They all followed the same turquoise greenish theme and Tubbo was living for it. He had already placed bee and flower stickers everywhere and was currently on the set-up. When Tubbo noticed Tommy had walked in he started ranting about how cool everything was. Especially the multi monitored set-up. Tubbo loved technology so Tommy wasn't surprised.

Tommy went to check up on Ranboo. His room's color scheme was purple and black. It honestly fits Ranboo well. He had the same stuff all the other rooms had. It was kind of concerning how they could afford all that stuff for every room, and not even take anything out as they left. What was more shocking was that there were rooms at all, but Tommy didn't complain. It was very convenient, maybe something more than just a coincidence. He and Ranboo greeted. Ranboo was also on the computer, he was on that one famous block game. Ranboo explained that there was a bunch of stuff already bought and installed on the computer.

Before they all went to bed, Tommy informed them of what was on all of the floors. Tubbo decided he would buy groceries in the morning with the remaining money Tommy had, so he could stock up the kitchen. This was a fast change, but they would hopefully get used to it. Besides, Tubbo really liked the room he had, and the fact he could sleep in his own bed. The privacy was nice. Tommy and Ranboo felt the same. They scattered back to their rooms and went to bed.

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