Work day

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Tommy woke to his phone alarm demanding him to get up. He squinted open his eyes and reached for where his phone would usually be placed, but it wasn't there. This wasn't their apartment. Where was he? He wiped his eyes and hazily remembered his impulsive buy. After grabbing his phone and turning off his alarm Tommy got up and grabbed something random out of the dresser. He headed to the bathroom and washed up.

His thoughts were everywhere. How was this twelve-story building so cheap? Why the hell did they have so many dorm rooms in a hero agency? Why were there secret basement floors that he couldn't get into for the life of him? Tubbo could probably hack Into the system that runs the things down there. It's strange that there is heavy tech just for basement floors. He noted it in his head to ask Tubbo about it later. Other than that, there was the large decrease in rent he had to pay each month, he was happy to tell tubbo and Ranboo to lay off most of the vigilante work, though they still need the money they get out of all the bad people they catch.

Tommy worked two jobs and was too tired to join in on their vigilante work. Besides, he wasn't too sure how to use his power, so he would only drag them down. His power was strange. It was a like a game? He wasn't able to explain it well. There was hearts and a hunger bar and there were many things he could randomly do that others couldn't, like chopping down a tree with his fists or leaving a perfect square hole in a wall after punching for a bit. It didn't hurt whatsoever surprisingly.

There was also an inventory he could use. He hadn't explored his power much at all, the achievement section told him that much. Yes, an achievement section. crazy right? It was very much like that hit block game. What was it called? Oh yeah! Minecraft. Somewhat concerning, but very cool overall. Especially with the instant regeneration from filling up the hunger bar. He has a secondary power, but it's only small wings. It at least makes sure he doesn't die from any fall damage. He's also a little faster than average humans. Apparently, it was brought out from his ancestor's origins.

Tubbo has nuclear powers. When he was younger, he didn't know how to use it, and it ended up scarring his eye and blinding him, though later when the power developed more, he could see again. There was a cool nuclear symbol that appeared as an iris, it ended up being his trademark. He has many names around the lower district, some call him nuke because of this. He also goes by stripe, buzz, Calvin and beeboy. Calvin being an inside joke about the silly little chipmunks. He makes their gear and can also somehow speak to bees. strange, I know.

Ranboo has space-warping powers.

He was raised in the same facility that Tommy was, so his powers were more deranged and twisted than how they were originally supposed to be. He's able to teleport or make portals. On top of that, he's able to change his appearance to a tall lanky black and white color mixed beast when he wants to. It was truly nightmare fuel, like something straight out of an eldritch horror story. Or a creepypasta. And with that, the dream walking problem. Being able to travel through others' dreams and alter memories. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem since he's overpowered, right? Wrong. It comes with major setbacks. Memories disappear and painstaking headaches come in their place. Though he never really has to use that power, so he's pretty much fine.

Tommy hops out the shower, dries off, gets dressed, brushes his teeth and hair, and then walks out of the bathroom. He throws his dirty clothes in the washing machine and goes to wake up tubbo and Ranboo. Ranboo isn't that hard to get up compared to tubbo. They took courtesy in not waking him up harshly, though Tubbo got up pretty easily compared to normal this morning.

"aAUaGHHH Why'd you have to wake me up!? That was the best sleep I've ever had, and I've been alive for seventeen years!" Tubbo's opinion was voiced quite loudly, and though Tommy and Ranboo didn't respond, they wholeheartedly agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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