As you wake up you hear beeping. Opening ur eyes you see a lot of white and machines. Sitting up you feel a sharp pain going straight through your body. 'How did I get here?' You think and a nurse walks in.
"Your up" the nurse smiles and takes the clipboard at the bottom of your bed. "It looks like you have several bruised ribs, two that are broken, a concussion, and some cuts. You will be staying for two nights so we can keep an eye on you. We also called your sister and she said that you will be staying with her after your release." She signs the paper and puts it back at the bottom of the bed. " Now Y/N... How did you get this way? Your sister said she had a clue but didn't say." The nurse sits on the side of the bed. You look down and refuse to tell her because you know it's not her place.
"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room." You look up and see that two police officers just entered. As the nurse gets up you grab her wrist.
"Wait who brought me here?" You ask about to cry.
"Some young fellow. He wouldn't give us his name and had a mask covering half of his face. I'm sorry hun." You let go of her wrist and she walks out.
"Hello, we are the detectives they called for after they received you. I'm detective Elaine and this is detective Johnson. We are here to talk about what happened to you" You don't say anything and keep quiet.
"We are only here to help ma'am. Whoever did this to you won't hurt you again." The male detective says. You continue to keep quiet until detective Elaine puts her hand gently on your shoulder.
"I know it's rough. I've been in the same situation but the only way for it to get better is if they are behind bars." She looks you in the eyes and you can't help but speak.
"H-his name is Arsen" You start shaking.
"Who is he to you and does he do this frequently?" Detective Johnson asks.
You continue to look down. " H-he's my boyfriend. E-everything used to be great but he got v-violent once we moved in together. We moved in together three years ago. He wouldn't let me do anything without him there and if I stepped out of line he would hit me. I couldn't see my family or friends" At this point your crying. Remembering how you guys used to be and how happy everything was.
"Then after that, he started beating you?" You shook your head yes as both of the detectives wrote things down in their booklet. "What's the address?" You pause. Now is your chance to get him behind bars away from you but you couldn't help but be scared.
"*insert address*," They wrote it down.
"Thank you for your time. If we have any questions we will ask and if we have any updates we will let you know. What is a good address and phone number to reach you at after you are released, ma'am?" The female detective asks.
"I'll be staying with my sister. *address* and the best phone number to reach me is *(number)*. You say as you see your phone on the table by the bed. They write it down and put there booklets away.
"Thank you miss we will be leaving now" they smile and are about to shut the door.
"Thank you" you try to smile but your face hurts from the cuts. They shut the door. Laying back down to get some rest you think about the blurry image of the guy who saved you. All you could think about is that you have to find him but you didn't know how. As you laid there, you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Rescued (Yoongi X Reader)
Fiksi PenggemarYou have an abusive boyfriend. As you try to escape, he gets violent but it's not like before. After you get the chance to run for it you make it but the pain is unbearable. Your vision going in and out, your breathing is weak, and you are coughing...