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THE KAPRE'S MATES IS A FICTION. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are either the product of authors imagination only or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person: living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.

All Rights Reserved 2023 @modelyyyn

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Aeyah and Arrah Laviste the beta of Gneiss Pack, has been waiting for their mate for 8 years—since shifted. The two betas of one of the the top 7 strongest pack has gained a name for being fearless and a dominant female-beta with a domineering 6'5 height that surpasses some of the alpha's height. However, the two seems to fail at every try of finding their mates leaving them broken, until they stopped searching.

Until one day, an attack happened to a neighboring pack requiring them to leave their pack for an aid. With a party of warriors, the two betas travel for rescue, leading the cripple pack warrior to their feet. Just when they lose their faith on ever finding their mates, an intoxicating scent waft their nostrils.



They scrounge through the forest, following the scent only to face with an enormous foreign tree that shadows quite a space of the forest land. However, the gigantic tree smells like their mates. Confused and both horrified at the realization, Aeyah, the younger twin tear up.

"Our mate is dead..?" Horror and sadness filled her voice. "He became a tree? Was he cursed? Was he buried here?" Aeyah looks at her older twin, begging for any answer at her theories.

"No.. The smell.. It's in here. Our mate isn't dead. He is either the tree or he rubbed himself here"

A sprout of hope grows inside their hearts. Aeyah looks up at the endless tree, it was extremely big that its width was like of the pack house, and extremely tall like a building infrastructure with 20 floors, the tree was also abundant with it's healthy leaves and flowers with the infamous poisonous fruit—or at least for them.

They were left staring speechless at the tree until a gruff, masculine—solid deep voice interrupted them. "Aking Irog"

Jaw slacked open, the twin betas looks up and gape at the giant creature in front of them that reach a potent height of 7'11 to their wild calculation. It's robust muscles rapturing with it's enormous perfect sculpted body, visible root-veins run down from the tip of its fingers as sun kissed skin shines through their naked eyes and a child-like glint decorated its enthralling gold-brown eyes. "MATE!" They screamed and lunge at the giant creature barely reaching its rock of a torso.

Their mate. A giant creature was their mate, reaching a potent height of 7'11 to their wild calculation. It's robust muscles rapturing with it's enormous perfect sculpted body, visible root-veins run down from the tip of its fingers as sun kissed skin shines through their naked eyes and a child-like glint decorated its enthralling gold-brown eyes. An unknown creature, a Kapre.

Their happiness was short-lived after realization hit them straight faced. Their mate is a giant— still considered abomination to their Kingdom and their mating will be frowned upon and they can't all be together in peace..

Well if it isn't just getting interesting..



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Updates will be slow. I just need to post this.

Stay tuned

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